My father died ,passed ad wasnt anything i could say or do. AM A LIVING WITNESS OF IT ALL OF WHAT HAPPEN TO OTHERS. He died in Feb and she was the lone trustee of the trust. I found out he died when I went to state to get a copy of my mothers death certificate. Aunt Maylee pass on February 5at 253pm. I consider that the other brother committed fraud in knowingly having my mother rewrite the will to his standards after she was declared incompetent and lost her place in the independent retirement facility she inhabited. Can he get any share of the money, You literally could not have said it better bro so I had a trustee of a state that he made my grandmother sign when she was in Florida without me at like 97 years old and listed and listed $34000 for the fees in the sale of the house that we only sold her 50 after he 1st of all falsified legal documents and the documents and his documents were just absolutely absolute absolute absolute absolute absolute absolute absolute absolute absolute absolute absolute absolute absolute absolute absolute absolute absolute absolute absolute absolutely absurd like he needs to learn how to make fake stuff vision and try it but I dont understand how no one will pick up a case even the bar association wont deal with it I dont know what to do . Can we as siblings get a part of our share from the sale? One step bro dies, in 2006 stepmom dies. Yo live on. Mom dies 1981. My sister moved in to home and was single. My father very much considered me autistic although the way it is defined today doesnt take into account the very real neurological damage. He has been physical with me..he is 66 Im 5. He had already taken his wallet with the bank card while he was in the hospital two weeks prior. Who do I call? After her passing my dad had an attorney do his living will & power of attorney. My problem is my husband is too generous with his sister and she has taken advantage of him financially before. 3 siblings filed suit challenging the will and against the 1 sibling who received 80%. I want to avoid the issues seen in this blog. My 2 sisters are in the States. When the information came out about the house being transferred in my daughters name is the same time that I was admitted into a mental hospital. I never thought about inheritance, and I never felt that money was more important than relationships, but we now no longer speak, and probably never will again, and I find this situation has left me fantasizing of murder in gory detail. Thank you for reading. They lie easily, especially to me. i have someone now ruining my credit, iv let it go on for years im looking for help in reasserting control in my personal assets. All deaths she is around are listed as heart attack. I need a lawyer to find out for me and help me get my part. Wonder if caregiver and other uncle know what he did. What can I do. I ended up with so little that I basically gave it away. They did not live together. I live on the other side of the country so I havent been able to see him, especially since Covid, but now he is acting very distant with me. We are a family of 6 siblings and since my mothers passing my sister has given away (to friends, family, and even grandchildren), donated, and sold my mothers belongings and divided the object and monies in a very unfair manner. 15 years lqter!??? And oil rights and deeds . There are 2 neices and 2 nephews. They all want my Money ! I fear that neither nor will be given to her but she has cared for him for seven years do I go after and pursue payment for caretaking for 7 years because its obvious if theyre already over there taking the washer and dryer my mother will probably never see the money or the vehicle what do I do please any advice would be more than appreciated it just makes me sick to think all that my mother has done and wanted nothing other than what he had promised but now makes me not only want to go after that but the seven years my mother has given taken care of what I thought of as a dad and not to mention my mother is not a well person and has COPD fan of bacteria in her lungs but still put herself aside to care for the man she has cared and loved for 20 years for them to come the second day after passing Im take the washer and dryer and tell her she had two weeks to get out please help!!! Made craigist ads with my name selling his property and commercial property. EMAIL N I RESPOND IMMEDIATELY. Literary! A release from the indiana inheritance tax office was necessary for release of the accounts. Ross states that many drafting attorneys dont necessarily think about wills in terms of how families act in reality. He set up a family friend, about 10 years older than me, to be executor of his estate. I have a VERY wealthy elderly aunt in another state. So yes I understand your pain and I like many of you cant just let it go like they want me too. sold a peace of land to some ond that I got from a grandfather and it was to remain in the family name and she turned around and sold it and she got over 1000000$ and I sold it to her for 10000$ can I do any thing. Mediation did nothing. Estate Litigation; Trust Litigation; Abused Beneficiaries; . My mother has been caretaking over her significant other now for 7 years no theyre not married my mother did everything by the book caring and taking care of all his needs bathing him everything right by caring for not her husband not my dad but was everything like a dad. Such a plan includes a detailed will, a power of attorney, and trusts for your assets. I have learned thru discovery that my inheritance was stolen, transferred, gifted and spent by my siblings even before my father and mother died. Tapes galore where sister admits crimes, dirty local PD who have refused seven times of taking any reports. So he just doing what hisfriend and client wants. Seems that my step brother left my house to some long lost niece who as far as I am concerned is by no means a part of my family. Its illegal behavior from these people who needd to be arrested. I am the co trustee of Moms trust. My dad doesnt even know how to access his checking account but trusts my sister implicitly even though I know she is a complete narcissist and hates my guts. The business partners were helping her with the real estate and investments. There is probably much more. My mentally disturbed mother was extremely abusive and vindictive in most uncommon way. If the attorney is willing to represent you on a contingency basis, she will generally offer a free consultation. I come home from trip to discover him panic packing paperwork into threee small duffel bags and fleeing like a scared child and blocks my cell. My two siblings have never made it a secret that they influenced him to change his will to leave me out. Finding an attorney who offers this kind of service can protect you from keeping an out-of-date will in place past its usefulness. I was the victim of identity theft and may of had a inheritance left to me by my father I was unaware of. Wow! my question is does my friend have any legal rights to contest and he has witnesses to speak on his behalf of what her wishes were before she passed. Since this person will be managing your assets until they are distributed to your heirs, you must choose someone whom you trust to follow your wishes. I can let this go I dont expect money I just want justice and closure. The standard contingency fee for an attorney is a percentage amount rather than a fixed amount. Plus while he was there she was on phone with Wells Fargo concerning his dads account and he heard them ask about next of kin and she lied and said she was only next of kin. In particular, as an heir, you have the right to receive information about the will and the estate, if you request it from the executor. . So they have excuse for why they are putting her away. In another reading of the will I know she stated not being not able to find me. If the executor is trying to keep you in the dark, that is a major red flag. I think the best bet is call attoeney. when her Mom and Dad made a will up, the agreement was that she would get the house when both passed away. Shenmade me a contingency took out a loan on mine. He also works with other texas probate fraud lawyers on large estates. A Decrease font size. She told me about how successful they were and that they will not be interested in anything that she had. She stepped in and robbed the family. I have been in the same assisted living facility as she and her guardian has never taken her out anywhere except for doctors visits. Elective share PLEASE PEOPLE A TRUST IS WORTHLESS IN THIS WORLD AND you are better off dying with out a will or a trust in my opinion. Professional fiduciaries and lawyers create many loop holes in which they can easily overcharge for care. If anyone could assist me.. My dad ex-Marine ( USA)) retired. Inst there someone out there who helps people like us who rightfully get wronged in this will situation!! My brother has stolen my fathers entire millions of dollars estate from him and stole my inheritance. This past April has been 3 years since my mothers passing. a month to their friend and gifting their other friends a monetary amount makes them a beneficiary but it seems clear ( to me ) that Im the beneficiary of the balance of assets and that was her sole intention as verified by affidavits signed by the others mentioned in the will. Anything would help I just want to know how to find copies of a will maybe. Of 2015 saying that my partners last will .. i coudnt believe that.. Again I should most defiantly been notified and most certainly would call myself a very interested party. the step mom had written a will that only stated her daughter as a heir, leaving everything to he daughter. She took advantage of him and lied about cost of funeral. Now i find he has moved out of the house because he has let it get in a state of disrepair and moved into sheltered accommodation which he told me he only uses as a mailing address as he lives with his girlfriend. I asked him why and he says lt lmportant to know l gave him some of lt would you be suspicious we have been together now for 40 years but why ls lt so lmportant to him to know ?? He has a will with various things going to me, my brother and my mother. My dear friend left money in a trust for me, so that I would be financially secure, because I have a life long illness. Family buys house 1975. It is not my first time to visit this website, i am visiting this web site daily and obtain pleasant information from here everyday. Every attorney I have met has jumped all over the cause, but they want a 10K retainer. She had no right to keep, give away or sell his property. What if you are an heir who fears your inheritance has been stolen or is in danger of being hijacked by someone else? My Dad wanted me to find out if his parents property is for sale or had been sold. She was a settlor and with that sentence it gave her power to revoke. EVERYTHING EVERYONE POST HAS HAPPENED TO ME AS WELL AND I FEEL YOULL PAIN AND LOSS. I just found out she had a brain tumor She died 2016. now they never talk to me ever hardly! Need advise and know I should seek legal advise and have to no relief. So she took every single item even the curtains left no assists for the estate . In the middle of the year of 2021 my sister had a power of attorney and got another sister to join in this but will allow full control over their income and all of their actions due to the conditions that stands with both parents. Greed must be the root of my suffering. She was married for 53 years,her husband pass 4 years ago and his caretaker claims she doing what aunt maylee told her in her will. This was done to hert me. Not finding any adoption papers can he claim his share of the funds. She saw us at the funeral and went to guard the house from us entering.. Now my mother was the only child left and was named my grandfathers executor, the actual person who should have received half of great grandmothers estate. NEED STARTED BEFORE AUGUST END, My mother each time someone died asked for my ss# telling me she was needing for bonds she buys my boys each birthday come to find out all a lie . contact state bar association also you can call attorneys in that area and ask to take the case on a contingency or ask questions and get answers with your free consultation, I have stage 4 bone cancer which was diagnosed as Mets in 2016 but docs read report wrong, 4.5 yrs ago my neice like a sister lost her daughter 4.5 yrs. He did not have any children. Presently im going to write the court again request excutor and thast the cases be seperated as my fathers will is not my step mothers assets. My sister sold the family home in california and claims it was given to her by our mother who is still living but now in her death bed. But if anyone can answer this question for me, please, pretty please, can you fix me a way to get hold of me???? This is in Nevada where I believe what was acquired before the marriage is considered separate property? They do assist here with pick ups for holidays and doctor appointment transportationetc. Aside from them, I believe that one should also find a probate attorney to help. She knew my father had 2 children and I met her several times. Can I find out what was taken? Now my father wants to give us the money well the wife found out how much is was and talked my father into not giving us the money We think she wants it. Where is the support for something like this. Im not finically able to pay a lot of fees, there are things that need to be done and Im very angry someone took advantage of her and left me holding the responsibility. I have a Caregiver in Sheffield Lakes Ohio doing this very thing with the inheritance my father has left. Really? What should I do ? Im inquiring about stepmother rights to grandparents estate? What is the standard contingency fee for an attorney? this last 5 years that the step mom remained in the home had the oldest boy take care of all her needs. They are currently trying to give her home to other people while she is in hospital from a bad side effect from medication she takes. An initial trust lawyer and a lawyer that litigates for beneficiaries that would see any undo loopholes. When my uncle died, some of the business partners stepped in to assist his wife, my aunt. How do i get back my grandmothers estate back from the family. Good luck. Now I would like change that part of trust. If a person dies and has money in stock bond municipalities and family members are fighting guess who steals the estate.The probate lawyer and stockbroker! I did not even know until the funeral one said meet your brothers son! Disclaimer: Comments are subject to moderation and removal without cause or justification and may take up to 24 hours to be seen in comments. life isnt perfect so she has trapped herself within the walls of her own mind like the small condo she stays in excluding herself from the world battling with cancer and plus some other health issues. Appoint two executors to your estate. The fathers mother ( my grandsons grandma) was shocked when she found out that life insurance was left to him instead of her. I even hold a SOUTH CAROLINA TITLE CLEARNING FORM THAT WAS FIED IN CLECK OF COURT IN MARION, SC 29571, AS WELL. AND GOD ANIT PLEASED. I really dont have the money to financially go to court or get a solicitor over this unfortunately :(( my step dad said if you are mean to youre older sister in anyway just remember who is dealing with the money after Im gone now Ive never been mean to my older sister I just want to see what the will actually states as Ive yet to see it, also they left me and my twin out of being involved in our mums funeral we were just people showing up and sitting there :(( while my older sister stood up with her children to sing (although she was a daddys girl) so me and my twin who is the mum of my niece feel we dont have a say at all in the will and also are it seems being kept in the dark to what we actually come into :(( and of course if we actually also get the full amount, my niece should get 30 thousand, me and my twin each apparently will get one hundred thousand each, but sadly I dont think were going to see that amount :((. She did make out her will and name my brother the executor and I was given the estate . We have no idea of what to do because of course this is the first time seeing this and not knowing of how the law is. My friend was never accepted by the family, always pushed aside. He got sick in April and his friend knew but didnt call us. Legalized theft we call it. Additionally, when you own estates or nay assets, consulting a financial planner would always be the best option if you want to know how to have security for years to come. Sometime around June or July 2020 I am surfing internet and checked up on the house and see that last step bro has died and estate is at the end of probate. To be divided equally between(4) heirs. Every one connected to the Will , the executor , the estate of his grandparents and the donations in the Will of his truck and the dollar horse trailer are to the American Legion. They are as old as she is. Adopted my 2nd time in 2 states & right before my 76 yr old bedridden dad passed on Sept.01,1990 he showed me his will where it read that he leaves everything to the eldest son which is me & for 16 yrs mom did not change her will till in 2006 when mom was 86 yrs old my niece and her cop husband moved mom off her estate of 61 yrs to their house which me and my 2 little sisters didnt have there address until mom passed 2 yrs later when nieces husband called me to tell me that my mom had passed away & then he provided me with his address only 2 find out in that 2 years they had mom hid from us kids that they brought in a new lawyer not our family attorney and had mom sign a trust making my 2 nieces the only 2 beneficiaries and dis inherited us 3 adopted kids of being with this family over 34 yrs. One option that has been gaining in popularity when you have greedy heirs in an estate you cannot trust, trying to steal your inheritance assets that are inheriting the same home you are you can simply buy them out. Hes beginning to have memory problems and on dyalysis. A Reset font size. They are stealing it and it will be left to their kidsmy aunts second cousins, Crappy people. Fighting against an inheritance thief is both exhausting and expensive. My siblings stated my mom, signed my name, to show I received the monies. An attorney's demand with the threat of a lawsuit often gets attention that your demands have not received.If necessary, a claim can be filed in the Probate Court to force the executor of the will to make the distributions that the will requires i.e., to get you your inheritance.Contingency fee arrangements are possible. Thatll keep greedy siblings happy and get rid of them altogether! Sometimes maybe a bill. Its a HUGE human failing & people will sacrifice their children, siblings, other relationships/whole family dynamics forever and everto catch their brass ring, even if its only a couple thousand or a few $10,000snds of dollars (which, BTWwill be gone in months or a year or two, no matter). or would the solicitor insist on sending my fathers share directly? Shady??? 15 years ago she was permitted to move onto property owned by the corp. Ive no issue with the youngest considering him to be entitled to reparations for the abuse he was subjected to. Yeah, Im supposed to law up and pay a guy. I see all unanswered questions. He was is financial advisor. This was in 2016 but I was at least a 50/50 hier and mu grandparents had plots at cemetery and always told me he had a will and it didnt change when my grandma died which supposedly had Lans in it for me. My family never told me what or how much she left me. During the whole situation, the business partner that was managing the assets or her family on the other side of the country have not made any attempts to contact me or my family. They same thing worse in gods name. Greed; a horrible thing, My younger brother and his wife living with my mom,originally the house belonged to my dad,when he passed on without a will my mom put the house in her name,my younger brother then went and put the house in him and his wifes name without consulting the other six siblings,question is can the other siblings challenge the legitimacy of the new title deeds naming him and his wife as owners. When my grandmother died I was named in her Will. How can a person protect the estate when the girlfriend of 7 months steals $10,000. Has anybody replied have you had any help trying to figure this out. Nothing I can do. Thank you. Inheritance theft and war has already erupted barely 2 months after burying my husband. I have a mother in a care home she has Alzheimers shes been there for a couple years she left her wedding ring to me in a will the rain came off her finger while she was at the care home I noticed it somebody found it and turned it in I was there at the care home instead of giving the ring back to me they call my brother I told him I would like to get the ring from him he said he was going to have it resized little did I know the care home will not let her wear that ring just in case anythings to happen again I asked him for the ring back he said it was going to get it resized I said not to bother that I would like to pick it up I asked to pick it up the other day they said they were not home when they were I went over there his wife answered the door wouldnt let me talk to him said hes mad at me I said I wanted the ring back why cant I get the ring back that I have to ask him but hes not answering hes not coming to the door to talk to me he said when its time hell give it back to me so I guess hes waiting for my mom to die before hes going to turn it over if he will turn it over at that time even to me it makes no sense why hes holding on to it or if I will ever see it what can I do? My grandson was really distraught about his dads passing in mid August 2020. This pain of being swindled doesnt let up and is behind my last cancer. I was never informed by his girlfriend. I just wanna know what happened & who did what behind my back! Only an experienced lawyer can help you know if your claim is worth being pursued. Cash, plus our Mothers jewelry, antiques, everything that wasnt nailed down? His will specifically left his hose and property in New York to his 3 kids. With some letter appearing have nowhere since 2003 and nobody being informed of changes. Inherited from a family trust with 2 siblings, generation skipping my dad who still lives. The abuse I was subjected to was criminal. My Dad & I were very close even when I had my own apts. thank u, My spouse keeps asking me say every 6 months how much of my inheritance l have left ln my safe ? We learned via facebook he passed. Viamo is a city in Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. We need help here all over. She asked for the will the night before going into heart surgery w/o time to hire an attorney. You need to be a little more specific you can go to the court house and possibly ask if there is a will after 2015 they may not tell you I dont know your jurisdiction but you wont be able to see the will till after probate. Eventually passed away, away in 4 weeks, after I put her in hospice. Good luck. The authorities investigated the people conning my aunt but no charges were filed. They have no boundrys and are faulty accessing me of anything and now I may go to prison for nothing. Im going through very tough times and they keep bringing it up but only giving me half truths. Do I have any recourse here? My Dads brother, the executor, refuses to let him see the will. calling him , or texting him . Does he have a right to anything??? Other two heirs knew nothing of these shenanigans. They didnt want nthing but. She got angry and stole a cd in my name, and then when she passed her son lied and tried to take my inhertance and credit union thru in interpleader i n court. . According to law that duty of support is only for his surviving spouse and children. I need a lawyer big time .they pay off any lawyer i try to get!#, Folksthis is rampant. He was dying at the time. She informed me again that she does not have anyone else and that she wants to help me get started so that I continue what her and my uncle worked so hard for. ( no other ) It mentions that I should pay someone $2000. Unfortunately, it is difficult for an heir who is being denigrated to protect themselves from this kind of insidious hijackingin part because the denigrated heir rarely knows it has happened until after it is too late. Source: She later married and filed homestead in new husbands name. My dad passed away in 2019 & I didnt know that he had left me his house. Through this elective share she was able to live in our dads house in New York while denying us access as his kids and executor to the house or any necessary paperwork to carry out our jobs as executors. Then insurance agent says oh this policy was canceled in 2004!!! You are also a beneficiary, your dads girlfriend is not a beneficiary. She got in van, used to transport him and said can she try , she lied to me and n=i called the supervisor of intensive care she stated, My father was never to leave without his IV medication. I would like to know if there is anything that I can do to help my friend who has lost his father 2014 lost his mother in a car accident 1972 in Alaska leaving behind 4 boys on a airforce base with there father whom was on TDY twice. I am traumatized and wanting Justice for my father. Here. She lived in a mobile home. My mother passed a year after she took out a second mortgage . Neither my mother has evicted me from the property nor she has told me the truth about my sister . Our cousins got her to sign papers to set up a trust of her money so they can pay her bills while she is in there and after she comes home. He is also in Florida and is the POA/Guardian of she and her Estate. My dad told me he was a Government worker for 30 years at a Base and a WW2 & Korean war disabled veteran ,and that he was a millionaire because of good investments ,then he passed away . Many years ago, my uncle passed away. There was so much fraud going on witch one do you pick or who do you go after . My mother passed away just over 10 years ago, yes she made a will, she thought she was protecting mine and her grandchildrens inheritance while also protecting her husband, basically her will left myself and her grandchildren the house saying that her husband could live in it till he dies, she thought it was safe guarding both of us. My narcissistic brother discouraged my mother from giving me the house dad wanted me to have and twice had my mother readjust her will to first exclude my child from the equation and then again to divide the estate between them. So why the hell would you send me qn application instead of a cancelation sooner or why would you send out forms for someone who died on 2014 at that!! Discover D&B Connect for Salesforce, our latest solution to help you get the most from your CRM. My uncle menulated my brother into sighing his 3rd of inherenece. As a victim, you do have the option to make a criminal complaint and ask the district attorney to prosecute your sibling, either when you suspect theft, or have proven they stole your assets or inheritance from the estate. Gpa. I got a POA, and became her Health POA also. If I have proof my brother-in-law who appointed himself executor, has stollen from the estate, can I go after him legally even though my husband who is the beneficiary doesnt? a month for 30 years and to give monetary gifts ( value set by me ) to 3 of their friends. Please advise. Can he do this. Generally, the theft of estate assets by a sibling is treated as a civil matter. The sell didnt happen because professor heir got mad @ girlfriend who wanted a piece of the pie. And my grandpa was in a nursing home prior to his death last year. My father had several months to adjust his will to reflect his intent to leave me his house. My Dad passed away.I never was included, or in contact of my Dads will.I always felt something was kept from me.If whoever has a copy of the will my Mom or Sister wont give it to me what can I do to get it,so I know what my Dad wanted. My uncle was a lot older than my father but they were very close. What will to probate???? 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Am traumatized and wanting justice for my father had several months to adjust his will specifically left his hose property! Know if need contingency attorney for inheritance theft claim is worth being pursued want a 10K retainer SC 29571, as WELL they... Was shocked when she found out that life insurance was left to him of! My part 4 ) heirs will situation!!!!!!.
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