All they care about is winning the case to keep up their win/lose ratio, and advance their career. We may be all sinners but not all of us commits murder. In my view there is too little doubt to permit acquittal, but I accept that this wasnt quite a slam-dunk. Give the predator two more victims. Preyed upon her. No sane person would see the evidence, then actually believe that Richard is innocent. During her six-day stay at Presbyterian Hospital of Dallas,Nancys violent illness continued and she begged the medical staff to save her life. Quoting from trial transcripts is all very well but their content is what convinced the jury. Per se they dont amount to guilt, but a jury will aways ask why they were engaged in (One reason might be to strengthen genuine innocence post hoc that one fears will be insufficiently compelling but an intelligent man such as this would have to be extremely foolish to forge evidence and to have thought he could get away with it. No one could trace it to anyone involved in the embezzlement case. Not to mention the woman herself actually saying she thought her husband was trying to poison her! Find a Patsy. Texans pride themselves on their tough on crime reputation. Lord, when did we ever see you hungry and feed you? And in case that didnt work, Richard could rely on a receipt for arsenic trioxide, barium carbonate, and two other deadly substances signed by Nancy as evidence that she deliberately poisoned herself. Maybe his gf gave him soap on the rope? I truly believe in Richard Lyons innocence, as do many other Australians who followed the story. Julie, Friends: Ive done an (inexhaustive) internet search for dallas presbyterian hospital arsenic and dallas presbyterian hospital poisoning. Only the Lyon case shows. I imagine that if you had evidence that you ingested arsenic at the hospital, and not prior to admission, the police would investigate the hospital. But nobody. Until next week, cheers. I wonder if they believe his innocent claim? he highest exoneration rate in the country. Bill Jr and Nancy were friends with this man. In the meantime, Richard Lyon denies that he murdered his wife. And so Richard was arrested, tried, and convictedand sentenced to life in prison. The colonists were also familiar with how narrowly the right against double jeopardy had been defined in England and sought to enlarge the definition by making the right against double jeopardy applicable to all crimes not just capital felonies. He just took the biblical story of Adam & Eve (which pretty much everyone born in Noth America knows), and applied current forensics and common sense to it. During sentencing, Judge John C. Creuzot said that Lyon used various and sundry chemicals to kill Nancy. Who cares if he/she is innocent? My comments will be based upon trial evidence. Richard Lyon suffered from addictions to alcohol and sex., 12/16/2016 Dallas, Texas. Maybe devote your energy in volunteering for needy children and adults people who matter. For example, I was once in an elevator that dropped 8 1/2 floors. His GF/friend is just pointing to anything/everything else to use as a smokescreen. A jury convicted him of first-degree murder, and Lyon began a life sentence at the W.F. But most people have NEVER been stuck in an elevator. After one of the most sensational trials in recent. And who provided the wood? Things then got worse when she found out that her husband Richard was having an affair in the fall of 1989. And it was fake. There might be a bit of Better Call Saul-ness in the case. BUT if it werent for those supporters (who were correct), would some of those whose convictions were overturned have remained convicts and perhaps have been executed? So at the first sign of trouble in a marriage STOP! Sociopaths are pathological liars and will lie to the bitter end unless there is something in it for them to be truthful. "Nancy and Richard Lyon were a wealthy Dallas couple who had everything but lost it all. My husband was friends with this guy in prison. Is there a link to read about him in prison? The system didnt work, or it did work?, The difficulty supporters of those they claim are wrongly convicted have is that they are usually, understandably, close to the convict, motivated by bonds of love and affection to support their claimed innocence. I would have cooked, cleaned, take care of my life. Ill carry you.. If so, you would leave them alone. he even lied to his mistress saying Nancy had a rare blood disorder (why the f**k would he need to lie about that?). I worry about Lyon getting out. You also said no one commits suicide over time. In Richards appeal for a new trial, which was denied, it would have proven the hand writing expert wrong. I have watched MANY juries convict for murder on VERY little evidence. But I notice that you didnt point out anything specific that was actually incorrect, although you insinuated that the entire comment was fiction. I believe they definitely got it right in this case, but how many times have you heard people say, Where theres smoke, theres fire. So many people in this day and age afraid to do or say anything. May he never walk free again. he could inherit her money and status in the community Interesting thought, that predators are stealing status, along with material spoils. The police then found out she had been suffering from depression for the past year after finding out Richard had an affair with another woman. For all of you so critical and wishing him harm, I pray that God opens your eyes and heart. I think William Dillard Jr. has a lot to do with it. Without going further, there are questions regarding both of those pieces to include the actions of the DA. Situation like that they could had hired to handle the cause of the issue! But did the evidence support this conviction? Im not saying I think Lyon is innocent but some of your reasoning is absurd! You are joking right! 00612188 in the capable hands of the Texas Department of Criminal Justice. Either way, youre wasting your life on something that wont change. So sorry to hear about this - she did such great job with this case! I realize that some people think youre innocent unless you leave a full video diary detailing your actions. One way is when they talk about the overall market, or other general information, instead of talking about the facts of THAT particular business. If there are any others cases like yours, that could be evidence Rogue staff have certainly been known to poison patients. What does that have to do with the poison pills given to Nancy, the empty capsules matching those pills in Richards apartment, or the forged documents (fake receipt and diary entries) found to be in Richards handwriting? A website created by his supporters solicits pro bono legal help. Richard forged the part of the diary about the abuse. At some point, he switched to arsenic, which he probably put in her food and a bottle of wine left anonymously on their porch. Richard is innocent. If the hospital did, I believe they are legally required to notify the police: they cannot avoid this if they may be the origin of the poisoning. Richard never denied the affair and has done his penance for it. He posed a continued threat to public safety, according to the Texas Department of Criminal Justice. This scenario was found less likely than that she was poisoned which is reasonable and with which I agree. . I shouldve added above that of course juries can and should only judge on the evidence presented to them, rather than adding their own second-guesses, prejudices etc to the mix. Doctors frantically did tests to find the cause of her illness. The last two are interesting in that Willingham was executed and Danziger suffered permanent brain damage in prison due to mistaken identity by another prisoner. Marcus I hope I would do the same where I perceived a gross miscarriage of justice I hope you would have someone fight for you or your child if there was a gross miscarriage of justice. Nancy Dillard Lyon, on the other hand, was not as fortunate. You posted here in the name of Cathy Hopperstad just above (and on the RL website I see your name is there). Quit telling people to go to your dumbass website. You certainly didnt pay close attention to the episode. Plus, the fact that the case is largely circumstantial, doesnt matter. The woman who rented the condo cannot be located a tip off that she was paid off. 2) While married, Richard had an ongoing affair. A shame about his wife though. Thats just a statement that you made up off the top of your head with no basis in reality at all. That said, lets review a few facts that Lyon has not refuted. But what does any of that have to do with the intentional murder, which clearly happened BEFORE she entered the hospital? You are making all these statements about him that you believe are facts. It was Richard who supplied the bogus/forged receipt showing Nancy buying the arsenic (no one has a motive for that, except Richard). He left an irrefutable paper trail that shows he bought it. Im Surprised He Didnt Get The Death Penalty!! She told the doctor (her psychiatrist/psychologist) that she believed Richard was systematically poisoning her thats directly from the victim! Do you know how to spot a liar with a business proposal? Never loved her. All the evidence against him and he still wont fess up to his crime. I wondered, instead, what twisted passion had carried him through the months of premeditation, through the hours of her retching at home, through the days of her decline and death. Nancys death was accidental and preventable. You are the one who seems to believe in fiction by defending this scumbag tooth and nails. She wasnt poisoned by anyone. Obviously people commit suicide over time. Required fields are marked *. Dear RR: I will continue to post rebuttals to your blog post, which should have a disclaimer that it is an OPINION piece, borderline FICTION. Who buys suicide? S: The jury found it implausible that Nancy would choose to die a protracted, painful death (who would, knowing that having given yourself the chance to change your mind, youd done serious permanent damage to yourself?) And lets not forget the poison-filled capsules Nancy had, or the matching empty capsules found in his apartment! But did the evidence support this conviction?<br /> <br /> Mystery novelist A. W. Gray made his nonfiction debut . The grieving husband also showed authorities an anonymous letter Nancy had received; it threatened violence if she went ahead and testified against a former colleague named David Bagwell who allegedly embezzled $720,000 from Trammell Crow. I suggest you watch, Life After Life, the Michael Morton story. Sorry, sir. It wasnt clear what type of poison he used on that occasion. So sorry to hear you were made ill, Lili. So, perhaps the hospital was negligent, though of course it leaves us with question of the poisoners identity If the above is correct, Nancys family would seem justified in litigating. That murderer is due to get out soon. He produced diary entries detailing childhood sexual abuse Nancys brother had allegedly perpetrated against her. And no one committs suicide over the time days, months And if you just want attention from your husband (because you love your daughters), youd probably calculate the dose, not to be an overdose The wolves behind the sheeps.. Something looking obvious doesnt make it true! Friends: Many thanks. Well said. We wont know because the police never looked for an owls nest. That law/right has ended up causing a lot of innocent people to end up in jail in that country, along with the beyond foolish war on drugs, which have put a lot of innocent mothers, wives, and girlfriends to end up in jail for longer than the actual drug dealers (Im talking about 20 year mandatory sentences, mandatory sentences for anything is foolish there are always exceptions)!!! 2) Richard Lymons legal team, or Your email address will not be published. It isnt absurd about the arsenic poisoning. The one that requires the least speculation is usually better. It was almost an SMU tailgate party as they brought in catering and Bloody Marys to wait for Nancys recovery. Men murder their wives all the time. . Correction: I noticed that FRL was responding to a different comment (not mine), when calling it fiction, but otherwise, my comment stands as is. Does an atheist (I am not) have the right to condemn acts of brutality as much as the ardent believer as the repentance and forgiveness are complex issues and do not mitigate crimes. Her condition deteriorated overtime and her organs started to fail. Although I dont believe for one second that Richard Lyons is innocent (the facts say hes guilty), the case of Michael Peterson is different. I saw him yesterday. In. The part about conspiring to cheat while college kids is intriguing. I hope he rots slowly where he is. Besides, you should NEVER believe something because someone else may believe it. Hes still in prison, according to the Texas DOC. Ah yes, the little known accidental death by ingesting capsules filled with rat poison, then moving onto arsenic in nightcaps and pop (based on Nancys own words regarding poison in her drinks) when the rat poison didnt work out, THEN followed up by a forged receipt found by Richard to cover up the accidental poisoning, making it look like Nancy ordered the poison, along with other forged documents (something that always happens in accidental poisonings oh, wait, no, it doesnt). General facts about wrongful convictions, general facts about pressure treated wood (that, unless she was eating it constantly, wouldnt give her those levels of arsenic in her system). Juries lean towards conviction, they do not assume innocence as they are supposed to. Lyon has advocates pushing for his release, although so far, they havent had much luck. Colt Ledger said in response to Couchs departure that he was not surprised by Couchs much anticipated departure. Again, its impalusible). Your email address will not be published. Owls HAVE attacked, and just because its bizarre, combined with a past that made him look guilty, doesnt mean it didnt happen. I wonder if theyve given up the fight or if its just an oversight? Not much different from Stolen Valor. Im so glad they had the support of others to get them through the loss of their mother & the cause of her death based over their dad! Look it up. Nancy told her doctor about the times she already believed Richard drugged her: the pop at the movie, a nightcap that left her severely sick on the bathroom floor, not to mention those vitamins that made her sick. He was guilty of one thing adultery, and for that he has paid a dear price. If what you think about juries is correct, its a travesty. You have a relationship with him, dont you? My aunt was in ICU at the time and thats why I was there. Im sure we all wish them well and are sorry for their loss. Note: It may well serve anyone positively to refuse to eat or drink anything offered or prepared by a soon-to-be-ex. So it is sadly predictable. Dallas, Dallas County, . Evidence was circumstantial. The architect thought he had all the angles covered. On a subsequent try, he gave her vitamin capsules laced with the poison barium carbonate. Nice playacting. In Richards case, the hospital gave Nancy a medication they knew she was allergic to, which caused other complications as well as other damage. Otherwise, the murderer benefits from his crime by hiding evidence. This is such a tragic case for all involved. He did not lie or forge anything. Thank you for your testimony! I know I need to be nice! No evidence? The American colonists were intimately familiar with English law and its principles were often quoted by the colonists in support of their claims that Parliament was exceeding its lawful authority and we know what that brought about! They would like their privacy and to be left alone.. Can you imagine their pain? Nancy's brother became convinced her adulterous husband, Richard, was responsible. Either way, I dont think hes a threat to anyone anymore. Rot in that cell you scumbag Richard Lyon. Required fields are marked *. A serpent? And so Richard wasarrested, tried, and convictedand sentenced to life in prison. Time to leave the Land of Denial and move to the Land of Reality. I no longer wondered if he had killed her. But members of the jury brought their healthy sense of skepticism with them for the two-week trial. That bid was rejected, although the Texas Department of Justice website gives no explanation. You have to show remorse. It seemed implausible to me at first as well, but implausible does happen occasionally. Nancys death was a tragedy all the way around and has affected many lives. First, ALL comments are opinion pieces. Im not suggesting this is so simply that interpretation rather than assumption should be made. But, tell me: Why else was she clasping owl feathers and her own hair in her hand??? The truth is, there is just far too much that cant be explained away. First published November 1, 1993. figure it out. See Nancy worked her way up to a partnership at Trammell Crow, a real estate development firm. My relationship with Richard is one of a fellow Catholic. But what makes you suspicious that you were poisoned at the hospital and not before? Its not like any sane person would go knocking on their door (other than possible reporters, that is). What a slime bag. But did the evidence support this conviction? That Richard should rot in jail when he dies, should rot in hell. I cannot pretend to know what happened between Richard and Nancy, but I believed then, as now, that Richard loved her once as deeply as he must have grown to hate her. Richard Alexander: Wrongly Convicted of Rape,,,,,,, The Lindbergh Kidnapping: Forensic Files Lost Episode, Dawn Fehring: A Missionary Dies Too Young, Ron Gillette: An Air Force Man Who Didnt Exactly Aim High. It investigates oil and gas. Here in UK judges routinely remind juries of this at the ouset; perhaps US judges do too. As a mother of a son, this case and others are examples of how the rich can control the justice system. Even if irrefutable evidence comes to light after he/she is acquitted, that person can never be charged again! Who are we to judge! We will all stand before God and have to answer for the things we have done in this life whether they be big or small. In early 1990, Richard moved out of the house and continued his extramarital relationship. A real trustworthy man. Michael Mortens case is probably the best example. My mom, my dad, my stepfather, all my grandparents, my exs mother, my friends siblings. Sweet set-up. Thank you. You are a fool. If Lyon had been a Texan cop, he may have gotten only 20 years for murder as Joseph Kent McGowen did. Do you visit the website? Can we read hearts? I hope I would do the same where I perceived a gross miscarriage of justice. It will eventually all come out. There, he met Nancy Dillard, whose parents were wealthy and influential enough for her fathers nickname to be Big Daddy. Thats why I always say, I believe, or the facts point to his guilt. It is unreasonable to think that the children would have never been around while their mother made their playhouse (BTW, did tests ever even show arsenic in the wood? Lyon later admitted to buying some poisons, for killing fire ants in his yard, he said. Richard first sprang into action by sprinkling a powdered poison into a soda he bought for Nancy at the movies. Cops, who just want to close their case, regardless if the defendant is guilty (but there are good, hard working cops too), and crooked DAs who just want to get ahead. According to friends, Nancy had the ideas, Richard the speedy execution.. She also shut him off from their joint bank accounts. What is most disgraceful is the withholding of exculpatory evidence and the absurd 10-day prison sentence of the prosecutor found guilty of malfeasance. Like I said, I dont know if hes innocent or guilty, but a lot of you people commenting on here make ridiculous statements that obviously dont prove that hes guilty and really just add more nonsense to the mix. He thought Nancy was a money making machine!!!! I watched Richard cry as the letter was read. If she were framing the husband, she could have done it rather quicker and hence less painfully. Granted, that makes him a disgusting person but not necessarily a murderer. I knew you werent claiming the hos was responsible for the poisoning (though Lili may be); rather that they were negligent. This was not true. I was a patient at Dallas Presbyterian who was poisoned with arsenic. They succeeded in getting Richard Lyon removed from the Dallas Country Club and deposited into the W. F. Ramsey Unit on a prison farm in Rosharon. He is a monster and I hope he never sees freedom. As for updates on family members of the Lyons, I wasnt able to find out who took custody of the couples little daughters after Richard went to prison. Nancy was so cute and innocent I wish she was my wife. Then the police found a shocking note which Nancy wrote accusing her older brother Bill of sexually abusing her as a child. And the anonymous threatening letter on behalf of her former coworker was a big nothing. Allison and Anna wish to be left alone by EVERYONE. Lots of questions here which render your claim perplexing. He concluded that Richard was the one who wrote that to try and cover up his crime. Thats all for this post. RR: A jury convicted him of first-degree murder, and Lyon began a life sentence at the W.F. }} Nancy Cooke Dillard Lyon (6th August 1953 - 14 January 1991) was an American woman who was poisoned with Arsenic and killed by her husband Richard Lyon. She didnt appreciate his using $5,900 of their money to buy a ring for Gaisford. If he ever does get out, he wont find Tami Ayn Gaisford the co-worker with whom he began an affair while married to Nancy waiting for him. Richard and Nancy had two daughters. Something just didnt seem right watching the family as they gathered. Very nice life lessons, as pertains to homicide. If wood was the cause why wasnt Richard found with any arsenic in his body? But Nancy said the HOSPITAL was trying to systematically poison her? As FF presents it, theres little doubt Lyons guilty. So glad to hear they are both doing well and that their mothers design talent was passed down thanks much for writing in! And RR you do an amazing job on this website/blog. Ive also had a lot of death around me. Richard left her on at least one occasion but returned and put on the loving husband act, all the while intending to escape from the marriage. During an 8-year marriage, the ambitious Nancy had juggled a successful career with motherhood after giving birth to the couple's two daughters. In 1991 Nancy Dillard Lyon, daughter of a powerful Dallas real estate tycoon, was murdered, poisoned with arsenic. He tried many times and with different poison. Ridiculous: its hardly racist to suggest that mere suggesting cultural ignorance is racist, nor that that may be because the ignorance is a function of another race or nationality, as was argued.
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