Meanwhile, Mark makes it to the party. Rex told him that he took everything he had said back, and congratulated him, followed by Eve. She smiled as they left [10]. he'd be like with someone he comes to care about if he found that person. Mark continues to have bad dreams about his father, about the fight. Invincible and Titan fight the supervillains, but are overwhelmed as Omni-Man watches from a distance. Earth Anissa hiding among humans. Cecil tells them that the news would eventually spread, but he wanted them to know first. The Viltrumites themselves resemble the Saiyans from the, The Elephant, Powerplex, Battle Beast, Bi-Plane, and Titan mirror, The crew of Captain Pickell from the Coalition of Planets is entirely composed of Ersatzes from the. Unknown to Anissa, Mark tells Nolan that Anissa raped him, but Nolan gets over it, saying Anissa had changed over the last five years. She's sick of poor Mark being hurt by his so-called girlfriend, so she's going to show Amber how a real woman is supposed to treat their lover. There have been times, however, where Mark has wielded either his powers, his mental strength . He was hugged by Mark and Debbie and told them he needed a shower. Rick tells them that they could wonder around the campus and they start looking around. They went with easily recognizable archetypes because they simply didn't have time to come up with wholly original characters, Nolan says this to Mark in issue 2 when telling him, Mark gives a modified version of the same speech to, Damien Darkblood, Demon Detective, who dresses exactly like Rorschach from, The Guardians of the Globe are a whole super-team of really obvious Captains Ersatz. In the spacecraft, a Martian dressed as one of the astronauts saw his flag was upside down, so he fixed it with his mind. Ever since he'd left Earth, Mark's life had been one, long, non-stop series of tasks. Amber tells him he was being a jerk and says that what he had told the class was dramatic. Yadda, yadda, yadda. She also tells him that she was still there for him, but now instead of them being together, he was now more inclined to spend time with his father, which she understood. You don't know how, or why, but you know you have to escape, for your own good. Or: A few snippets and moments of Mark trying to cope after the catastrophic events of the season finale. cans at it, so it attacks him instead. Sinclair tries escaping, but William chases him and punches him in the face repeatedly. Mark and Debbie visiting Nolan in the hospital after the attack on the Guardians of the Globe. Invincible and Atom Eve fought Doc Seismic, who was threatening Mount Rushmore. the original was a superhero, while her successor is a mass-murdering supervillain, Exaggerated with the reveal that Monster Girl is a, which is averted thanks to Eve's regeneration into her younger self upon her death(s) from old age, This comes in handy, of course, when the Lizard League somehow manage to, Omni-Man kills off the Guardians of the Globe in a particularly gruesome fashion. When she threw herself at the ground, Debbie rushed to help her. As Debbie walked in with snacks, Mark smiled nervously and left. Mark cant change the past. Just something in more depth from the show, I have not read the invincible comics and only watched the episodes that have come out now. Mark got to the hospital and found his father was awake now. Invincible remembers him and calls him a criminal, but Titan tells him that he doesnt even know the meaning of the word. Relatives In this sequel to my other popular book, Michael Jackson and the reader pull even more pranks on each other! He asks Mark what he would have after 500 years, and Mark tells him he would have him. Nolan said that Debbie had told him that he was keeping the planet safe and wanted to hear everything. In the end, Robot introduces the new Guardians: Black Samson, Shrinking Rae, Dupli-Kate, Monster Girl, which makes Rex laugh since she was small, but Monster Girl asks if there wasnt a dick size requirement. After the end of Viltrumite war with most of the Viltrumite's hiding on Earth, the Coalition of Planets decides to recreate a stronger one and try again, despite the fact that a majority of the Earth's population would also probably die due to their genetic similarity to Viltrumites. It's way to early to tell. Mark defends her by lying and Anissa is asked to leave. Sinclair had been checking him out, which must be normal for him, but Rick says he simply needs friends. Anissa reassured Kregg that it was only a matter of time before he came to their side. She feels guilty that she had basically dumped that night. The Viltrumite threat hangs over the planet Earth, with its most powerful protectors gone, either killed or incapacitated. Their Dads, who happen to also be good friends, came from a planet called Viltrum. Mark tells him that he really doesnt want his help since he always made things worse. Mark was horrified when he looked at all the destruction he caused when Nolan punched him. The team realized they had to destroy the wristbands, and the aliens started dying soon after, which forced them to leave. After suffering from a severe injury, he gained a new power. When Nolan arrived home, he had grown a full beard. I'm excited to see how it turns out, thanks for reading along. Monster Girl was cursed to age backwards when, It could also be justified - if Cecil trusts Wolf-Man, and is wrong, the consequences are, However, part of the trope is still played straight later in how Anissa doesn't basically face repercussion from in in-universe, Mark had to team up with one of his own evil counterparts in order to survive against the only. Rex gets angry and makes his arm light up, but she punches him with a huge arm before he could do it. Distracted by the battle between the two sides, she was later seen when Invincible, Thadeus, and Omni-Man flew through Viltrum, successfully destroying the planet. Being strong doesnt mean that you cant have moments of weakness. Amber and Mark head back to the former's home. D.A. He thanked her for the dinners she had prepared and they talk about the side part of being a superhero. People watched a video where Invincible fought a man who surrendered, but wouldnt listen and hit him once again. He is the Viltrumite / Human Hero, Invincible and son of Nolan Grayson / Omni-Man and Debbie Grayson. Granted, there were moments of peace, moments where those thoughts could creep into his subconscious. Amber calls Mark, who disappears and returns as Invincible, stopping the cyborg's fatal blow. Hes shot at once again, but is saved by Atom Eve who sets up a force field and defends him. Completed lemon comics tvshow +5 more # 5 His Angel |Manjiro Sano| by anibae 23.9K 751 29 She said he looked like he needed to talk about what had happened and the two leave. Eve's thoughts after she sets off to use her powers in a different way than fighting crime. Titan and Invincible break into Machine Head's building, but when Invincible confronts him, he doesnt move. However, neither Amber or William recognized her. Even as a 22 year old he anxiously awaits the day his father would come back to take humans and the earth. The astronauts tell Houston they arrived, and one of them spots Invincible, but none of the others do, so he tells them to forget it and they get to work while Mark looks at pictures of Amber, mentioning that the mission sucked. Rex. Another sequid jumps at him, and he tells them to keep their dogs on a leash. Mark and William make it back to their room, where William starts sobbing. Mark refused her and flew off, citing that he is still with Eve. Mark mentions he likes them more than Fight Force and she agrees theyre better. She asked him where he had been. Mark and Nolan had a hard time facing the creature sent by Cecil. She defeated Allen, not knowing that he had purposely thrown the fight and took him to prison. Amber tells Mark that she wouldnt share rooms with him, so Rick tells him that he could bunk with him and William. William calls him an Omni-Maniac and teases him. She told him that even though he was young and weak, shed settle on mating with him because of his Viltrumite heritage. Amber pointed out that his story was not very specific, but Mark tells her that he got her a rock, which she does not find very impressive. After the Viltrumites and. Later, Mark visits his father, saying that even if he didnt like being in teams, he found Teen Team to be very cool except for Rex Splode. It hurt to read, and we felt Mark continuing to grapple with the aftereffects over the rest of the saga. * Eve realized who he was, and Mark mentioned he was Invincible which Eve described as optimistic and said that everybody called her Eve. Invincible is thrown around while William tries talking to Rick, remembering how they had had sex before. And taken to the extreme by the fact that the whole Cosmic Federation seems to use english, or the "Earth/Urath" mistake couldn't have happened. Nolan asks where they were and Mark finds theyre in a lab, where Immortal is being brought back to life. Robot discussed a plan to work together with the Viltrumites, knowing their mission to cross breed with humans. She pushed back his arms and demanded that he stop resisting her. Mark/Invincible is a brave, competitive, nice and noble hero and is true to his own values, especially when he discovers the harsh realities of being a superhero, struggling to define himself as one, while struggling to balance lives in danger to balancing actions with schoolwork. Mark grabs a cable and electrocutes the beast as Nolan and Immortal keep fighting. Issue 97 has a panel with a woman cosplaying as Michonne leading around a "zombie" at a comic convention. Cecil is told that a new object was approaching Omni-Man's location, turning out to be The Immortal, who immediately starts hitting him furiously. After Thragg beat Nolan and Mark to the brink of death, she was seen fleeing with him and other Viltrumites after Thragg decides to spare them. The Viltrumite threat hangs over the planet Earth, with its most powerful protectors gone, either killed or incapacitated. As they did, Cecil told them that he wouldnt be asking for their help, but Omni-Man was busy and the new Guardians were a shitshow. Interestingly, series artist Ryan Ottley ended up drawing for, Averted by just about every other alien race in the series, however. Nolan looks at his hands and flies away, breaking through the atmosphere as he cries. She slain the monster with ease by flying into its head. The ride back from Upstate University is silent, as Amber doesnt want to listen to Mark. As she punched Rex, Invincible stopped her and told her to cut it out, but was simply thrown in another direction. Later, she was seen on the moon after Thragg attempted to kill Nolan. After a brief stint with the Teen Team, Mark works with Samantha Eve . An alternate future version is shown to have drifted into madness after outliving all of his friends and loved ones. running away from a botched diamond heist. And he watched Sinclairs abominations buzz with the potential to turn Mark into a red puddle on the floor. She began her speech about how Viltrumites would turn Earth into a utopia for centuries and rid the planet of disease, war, and death. Atom Eve also uses her powers to remove clothes and place them, neatly folded, in a drawer. She threatened to kill Mark's mother so that he would come with her. He was loud. And maybe a few extra if I feel like it. His first move was to kill the majority of the superheroes on Earth (which was a, He manages to convince Mark to let him continue his villainy (a decision that disgusts Mark so much, He creates a Utopia on Earth so perfect that, The remaining superheroes attempt to pull a resistance together, only to discover that there is, In the same issue that showcases this, he manages to convince almost all among the resistance (except the ones who hate him the most, which includes the aforementioned wife and child) that he is in the right and they all do a. However, Robot wanted Invincible to try out as well, but Invincible told him that his father wanted to train him himself. Eve tells him thats why dating normal people wasnt good, but Mark counters by saying that things between her and Rex hadnt worked out, which angered her. His boss complains that schools didnt teach enough and leaves. After hearing Mark was back on Earth, She rushed to the Viltrumite Warship and Eve attacks her. Enjoy! Not strong enough to kill Mark, Nolan asked him why he made him do it. "If you would've told me at 13 that this would be my life, I would have never believed you". It doesn't go so well. I get thrown into a new world with ultimate OP abilities and proceed to level all obstacles with an endless harem of obedient goddesses at my side and an army of devoted friends ready to die at my beck and callPSYCH! The series has become well known for combining brightly coloured superheroes with often very dark themes and gorn-laden fight scenes. Both Omni-Man and Thragg recover from this. At a baseball game, a young Mark gets ready to hit the ball as Nolan angrily watches from afar. Nobody ever said it would be this hard. She thanks him for it and invites him in, but he told her that he would be gone for two weeks in order to volunteer, asking her not to lose interest in him while he was gone. Work Search: When the latter turns around, he finds that he has created a big cloud of sand. Mark punches him, but Nolan catches it and doesnt move, crushing his hand and throwing him away. Mark lightly fought her off, hoping that she would leave him be. The more compatible the race the more likely the Viltrumite genes will blossom and begin to dominate the hybrid genome structure. To a lesser extent, the Immortal. Eve told him that she couldnt be on the same team as Rex and Kate and leaves. Nolan caught one of his punches and stabbed his fist into his stomach, punching all the way through him and shocking the entire world, who was watching thanks to the news helicopters. Las Vegas and everyone in it getting utterly vaporized. He asks Mark why he had made him do what he had done since he was only fighting so he would watch everybody around him die. Invincible races through the sky and goes to a rooftop, where he meets Titan. When Nolan was old enough, he joined the war effort until the forces were stretched thin and the expansion stopped, each officer given a planet to weaken by themselves. After Mark refused to join the Viltrumites, Anissa attacks him. He asks Mark if he wanted to play a game, but Mark . Donald gets a report that there was an undergoing attack with multiple casualties and Mark leaves to go help out. Anissa reports to Nolan about Monster Girl being close to death when she was found. Mark asks him to hit him as hard as he could and asked him to repeat his punches when they didnt hurt him. Eve still puts Anissa in a bubble, but Anissa succumbs to her wounds and dies. Early on in his career, he did not consider himself to be strong enough to be a hero, let alone be like his father, Omni-man. I would say the reason we personalize Anissa's rape of Mark as unforgivable is because we witnessed it in such unforgiving detail. Nolan tells Mark to look at all humans needed in order to imitate their power, saying that it was right to pity them, wrong to value them over Viltrumites. Mark walked up to her he thanked her for saving his butt. Omni-Man's right eye is punched out during his fight with Thragg, and later on Thragg gets one himself when Battle Beast sinks his fang into the Regent's eye. Sinclair's creature, Invincible was shocked to see it kill itself. Mark told his mother to make him go to sleep, and she asks if the fact that she couldnt physically move him made him feel strong and Mark simply said that what he was doing was important to him. Mark walked back into his room, and Amber angrily told him she had been there for an hour, and asking why he had asked her to hang out in the first place, leaving. The cyborg is choking William and is about to kill him. Mark got home and told Debbie that Nolan had saved them from the Flaxans but had gone into one of the portals. Debbie asks Mark if he wanted to call William, but Mark gets angry, asking sarcastically if she wanted him to buy comic books. And unlike everyone else not only was his dad one of the top heroes of the world, but he wasn't even from Earth! It started like an itch-an annoyance at best, easily ignored in the scheme of things. She later attempted to kill him by bear hugging him, but is attacked by Thaedus and released him. After a brief stint with the Teen Team, Mark works with Samantha Eve Wilkins / Atom Eve and the second iteration of the Guardians of the Globe to protect Earth from domestic and extra-terrestrial attacks. He turns out to be surrounded and is ordered not to move. I would be threadmarking any story Snippets 500 words or so, no script fics or anything like that. 17-year-old Thea Drake is learning how to control her powers. Now his life was completely shattered but his story didn't end there. Part 1 of a written sequel-universe to Invincible. He is best friends with mark who both have hidden potential. On Earth, news told the success the astronauts had in Mars. She tells him that he had done well for a rookie, which he didnt buy since people had gotten hurt and he had frozen, but she told him that he had helped people escape and revealed that she used to throw up before fights, but got used to it. Angry, he flies in her direction and hits her so hard she changes back into a little girl. However his father told him that whatever had happened, he couldnt bring it home, stopping Mark on the way to his room. He mentions that he even follows Teen Team on Instagram and she revealed that that was them, everybody's fourth favorite superhero team. Mark realized he needed something to punch in order to blow off steam and hears gunfire. Omni-Man catches one of his punches and mentions that he should have stayed dead, sending him back. Donald tells her that theyve got a lot of technology, but Debbie says theyre not interested in a tour. He disc. Mark tells her he would and Amber tells Eve that Mark had volunteered to help at the Beckwell Community Center, where they cooked dinners for anyone who was hungry, which impressed Mark. Background Information Mark out of costume looks like a relatively normal human. She asked Mark one last time if he was willing to come to the Viltrumite side. After Nolans betrayal and disappearance Debbie tries to cope but every time she looks at Mark all she sees is Nolan. Although a lot of his 'egotism' stems from the fact that the Immortal is, Doubling down on the Elephant, it is later revealed the white man in the costume. They immediately switch their allegiance from Thragg to Nolan, despite Thragg still being by far the strongest. Apparently half the new Guardians of the Globe and a number of former Invincible villains during Robot's purge. He tells Invincible that hes an evaluation officer for the Coalition of Planets, making sure that there was somebody capable of defending them. As a building falls, Mark pushes it so it does not, but he cant stand the weight and it crushes everybody inside. 'Essentially applying written thoughts to comic pages, or potential scenes that happened off-page and between issues. William keeps asking Mark about being Invincible, but the latter mentions he doesnt even want to be a superhero and wasnt sure Amber would forgive him this time. He was a monster wearing her husbands face. Mark went to Maya's room, but found out she had died, which Nolan described as part of the job. In helping out your new home, Earth, will you develop a relationship with the coldest man you know? Nolan told him to knock some sense into the guy and send him back where he came from. Thragg demands that they leave[6]. When Two Of The Best Minus Ends Up In Another World, You Should Expect Something, 'Interesting'~ Teen Team attacks the aliens, who were fighting with superior technology than they were. Titan was using Invincible to eliminate the competition. She was swee. The Best Superhero Comic In The Universe! Overly dark. However, Mark says that he was nothing like his father and was more like her, asking her how he could ever live up to everything his father had done. Mark asks Titan about his daughter and is told that Fiona's second home was Beckwell Community Center. The crew later became recurring characters up to and during the Viltrumite War. Mark gets to Amber's home and apologizes for getting there late. She later attacked Allen after the Viltrumite warship was destroyed by Mark and Kid-Omni Man. Nolan shouted for Mark, but Mark told him to stay out of it. Anissa grinned and proceeded to tell how Mark's aggression aroused her and made her want to repeat their prior incident. He says that the world was fine without him, but she tells him that he should do something to help and leaves. [3] Later, Mark teamed up with his father to battle an alien invasion from a group called the Flaxans. He throws them away and walks through the hidden hallway. Anissa noticed Allen flying back to Talescria. Mark Grayson, also known as Invincible, is the titular main protagonist of Invincible. staying in the past where he can keep saving people by using his knowledge of the future at the expense of erasing the existence of his daughter, or going back to his future, where he can resume his life with his wife and daughter, at the cost of a world where all the tragedies he could have avoided have happened, the visible Robot is actually being remote-controlled by the (horribly deformed and unable to survive outside of his nutrient tank) human who just doesn't relate to humanity, probably in part due to his superhuman intelligence and isolation. She tells him that she had a lot of things to deal with, so he asks her to help him out with Amber stuff and he would help her out with her stuff. He adds that their shape-shifting abilities allowed them to resist them, but if the sequids got to the humans, then they would destroy Mars and Earth soon after. He mentions that at least the fallen heroes would rest together and Olga was upset that she couldnt see her late husband. In 2017, a Live-Action Adaptation was announced, and is still in development as of 2022. At the Pentagon, Robot and Invincible look at many heroes lined up, who will be selected to be the new Guardians of the Globe. At first it was Mark with his friend, but then other characters started to comment about it. Just about any character who appears briefly is likely to become important later on. When they all leave, he tells the remaining resistance members that he will allow them to live for now and will wait their move; The alien governments (including Allen's and the Viltrumite remnant now governed by Nolan) refuse to do anything about Robot, because either Earth is an. They mention they would be going to Berlin, which makes Mark jealous. Later Mark teams up with Dinosaurus, because despite being. Mark opens the door to Amber's room, but closes it once again. Nolan stated that she was stable. He tells him he only needed a little money and asked him to help him take down his boss, who ran the city. He lifts up a big rock, and is attacked by many sequids. However, his mother told him he needed to sleep since he had school the following day and she had to work. After that, he mentioned that Atom Eve would be the last member, telling them that he would be announcing it publicly later. Allen the Alien communicated via telepathy and told him that he had shaved the moustache. Allen commented that he was in trouble, and introduced himself. Mark and Thea have been best friends since they female kryptonian oc x Invincible, I don't own invincible and their character just owned my oc. However, his father tells him that he could go himself once his powers kicked in. Invincible asks Rex Splode what was going on with her, but he simply mentions he doesnt know. He tells her he has to go and she sees him meet up with Eve. trying to avenge her death by killing Invincible, who they view as being responsible. So yeah, he may be quirkless, but he's still getting his dad's Superpowers! Please follow me H. Samantha Eve Wilkins grows up knowing she has powers and learns to live a life in between being an hero and a student. Invincible fought Allen the Alien only to find out he was testing the wrong planet. When he gets up, Mark punches him again, fracturing his jaw. Debbie tells him that he has some nerve, but he tells them that the Guardians had been murdered and they were unable to bring them back with Nolan being the only survivor. Hes able to get one last chance and leaves. Robot once again introduces Monster Girl as a Guardian and tells them that Rex would also join once he recovered. She flies back to see her husband and two children [11]. The Twins miss a single beatand then commence arguing over which is the lower-generation clone! Anissa attempt to help Mark up, but Mark slapped her hand away in anger. As Mark leaves, the whole restaurant shakes, and Eve tells Amber and William she was Atom Eve, which surprises William. Hell, even out of place." Machine Head reveals he knew they would come thanks to the new chip Titan had gotten. Everyone has secrets, of course. As a bonus, all of their profiles in the Handbook obliquely mention the pasts of their Justice League counterparts. Invincible stars a Young Man named Mark Grayson who is the Son of the Greatest Hero Omniman. William tells him hes basic, but Mark looks across the cafeteria and locks eyes with Eve, who tells him to go talk to her. Later, Invincible fought another villain and thanked the crowd who celebrated. As Abraham Lincoln's face fell, Invincible caught it just in time before it hurt anybody, putting it back. Todd approaches Mark and puts him up against a locker, telling him he would hit him. Debbie calls Mark, telling him that William and Amber have arrived and Eve leaves. Mark saw Nolan being crushed by the huge creature Nolan had faced before and raced forward in order to help him. However, artist Ryan Ottley did shamelessly show her cleavage off a little more than usually from that point. Invincible is based off of Superboy/Conner Kent from the DC Comics. Doc Seismic fell anyway, and Invincible jumped after him, not able to grab him in time after a big explosions. I don't know. He told her not to worry, and added that he and Mark could do more outside than sulking there. He punches Mark once more with a punch so strong, it cracks the mountain, which causes an avalanche which covers Mark and a town down below. She kissed him, much to Mark's surprise and dismay. Later, Debbie finds Mark bleeding and asks if he was okay. Debbie found it weird that he had just come home from his friend's funeral and was talking about pizza, and telling his son not to feel anything which was odd. Mark's inability to remember fighting The Elephant, despite fighting him multiple times. Amber asks William to tell her about Rick, who William is excited for her to meet. He tells Mark that nobody had the ability to see the things in the room and tells him that they needed a replacement for Omni-Man. as Nolan once asked in his attempt to make Mark go along with his earth conquering plan, reasoning that everything Mark had at that point would be meaningless in his long living life; then many earth and universal changing events later, by the end of the series Mark remembers those words, 500 years later Mark became a great man, who managed to change Nolan's heart, changing the whole viltrumite race into a peaceful one, keeping his own heart in the right place, living happily with Eve and their daughter Terra for 500 years and beyond as the emperor a prosperous world. Image Comics Database is a FANDOM Comics Community. She retorted that she didn't want to fight either, but she couldn't stall the mission, citing that Nolan may not be as forceful as Thragg, but the mission remained. Choose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death, Rape/Non-Con, Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death, Choose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings (76), | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia (Anime & Manga) (7), The Avengers (Marvel) - All Media Types (4), Atom Eve | Eve Wilkins/Mark Grayson | Invincible (16), Mark Grayson | Invincible/Omni-Man | Nolan Grayson (16), Debbie Grayson/Omni-Man | Nolan Grayson (14), William Clockwell/Mark Grayson | Invincible (13), Amber Bennett/Mark Grayson | Invincible (10), Mark Grayson | Invincible & Omni-Man | Nolan Grayson (7), Omni-Man | Nolan Grayson/Cecil Stedman (7), William Clockwell & Mark Grayson | Invincible (7), Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence (12), Omni-Man | Nolan Grayson's A+ Parenting (9), Garden of Sinners - Viltrumite in the Garden, - | Lord El-Melloi II Case Files - Sanda Makoto, | Mahoutsukai no Yoru | Witch on the Holy Night, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Markus "Mark" Grayson/Samantha Eve Wilkins, Markus "Mark" Grayson & Ethan Crane | Supreme, Invincible (Cartoon 2021) Season 1 Spoilers, Minor Albus Dumbledore/Gellert Grindelwald, Debbie Grayson & Mark Grayson | Invincible, Mark Grayson | Invincible/Omni-Man | Nolan Grayson, Im Autistic so Everyone in Here Probably is Too, | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia, Nolan Grayson | Omni-Man (Invincible)/The Immortal (Invincible), Atom Eve | Eve Wilkins/Mark Grayson | Invincible, The Secret Origins of the Alternate Invincibles, Mark Grayson | Invincible/Robot | Rudy Conners, William Clockwell/Mark Grayson | Invincible/Rick Sheridan, Between Avengers (2012) and Avengers: Age of Ultron (Movie). 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