They have it, although I have not seen it in the display but I do have the paperwork from the curator. Nice whataboutism. Also I do know Rachel was trying to be there for Layne after Demri died and he did let her but he said not romantically. But like Demri i have a death sentence hanging over my head because my heart could fail at any time. Today the sitereceived a comment from Demris Mom Kathleen which is so special because she thought of us and wanted to let us know how she felt today and I personally wanted everyone who watches this site.. friends, fans and people who loved her a chance to hear from her Demris Mom today. Tell them you love them every chance you get! She knew him off the drugs and on and had been there from the start. Ok, Ive said enough here I hope I help someone with my stories. Im not saying they were gay, lol! Addiction is no joke, I go to med school so I spend a lot of time in the hospital and its just awful what being addicted to something does to people. But with Demri Im not alone, and there are so many people who, like me, only know her through pictures and stories and are similarly fascinated by her. He hardly ever saw Jerry anymore, but Mike Inez was still kind of close with him. Hopefully others will not make the same mistakes that so many of us have. I really appreciate this site. Layne was never the agile and charismatic musician since the death of his ex, Demri Parrott in 1996. Layne knew this and its why her passing just crippled him. I guess Im looking at the wrong fb pages. I paid a professional hat blocker a lot of money to help me with the final construction, but I bought all the fabric and designed them, I dont even know who Rachel is. Both Layne and Dem were very attractive individuals with a fan base. Producer Dave Jerden watched as Staley disintegrated after a dressing-down from Cantrell: "Layne, who had such a strong personality, had completely turned into this nothing.". I knew she was a special person. Just stop! Ive been thinking a lot lately about Andrew, Demri, Layne etc, because Im currently waiting for a bed to open up at a detox facility to hopefully help me kick this awful ten-year addiction to painkillers. This site has been around. His body took a while to die, but his spirit lived on, as did Demris, after her passing. There is a thin line between being a friend and being a parent. 1 person I know said he came by their house in Seattle and wanted them to come to his car to see if this girl O.D.d. What could he dofight back? Demri was a leech. By 1998, Staley already seemed on last legs. Or they try to do 3x what they usually do or something stupid like that. Christy the drug dealer lived behind the QFC and so did Paris. It was never about, How are we going to prop him up to get him on a tour? I had this conversation with Layne over and over and over after the success of Facelift: Your health is the most important thing. I dont wanna see people anymore and its nobodys business but mine.. She kind of reminded me of Brooke Shields in the movie Pretty Baby. Sadly, Demri passed away in 1996 of endocarditis caused by her drug use. You were making fun of it and you crooned the line you are so superduper bravissimo to me like the big goofball that you were. I have IBS, Irritable Bowel Syndrome, so I shouldnt be taking anything, but the pain is so bad. I will never be whole again and I keep stuffing the pain down and filling the hole in my soul with heroin but I never am rid of the pain nor am I ever joyful and worst I think of allI dont even feel alive. AiC was playing a show that night at an old fire station in Redmonddo you remember that place? Stay strong, stay strong, you can beat this. I can say that Kathleen and Rosheens Moms know each other and leaned on each other during that tough time when they both lost their daughters. Layne wants to quit, Demri doesnt, she has developed a fatalistic attitude towards her life. We need to find a way to unite and help our sons, daughters, friends, lovers, entertainers. Sid and Nancy also come to mind in that respect. Not trying to get anything out of you, no anger, but if what you say is true, and I believe you, Rosheen wouldve passed in April 1998. The Blue Moon was kind of notorious, at least when I was a teenager, as the place to go buy drugs. I thought here may be a good place. I think Jerry really was sincere, too, at least back then. Parents: Kathleen Austin (mother) Dennis Wayne Dougherty (father), Stephen John Parrot (stepfather) (Jeffrey Mayer/WireImage). He really freaked out over Kurt a few months before that. I need spell check! They were very discreet about it. She did what she wanted to do, and the friends she left behind are crying at her memory. Are there any pictures of her last months of her life / heroin days? She had her own connections for buying heroin and she could afford that, but it was LAYNES fault that she got sick b/c he hadnt bought her cotton before he left. In 1996, Staley's life was turned upside down when his former fiance, Demri Lara Parrott, died of a drug overdose and when she passed, so did a bit of Staley. Layne was tired of it and didnt want to do it anymore, and Jerry became very devious in his words and his actions. Also there is a pretty controversial youtuber whos channel is Freelee the Banana Girl, and she does cuss a lot lol, but her videos can definitely help. Demri HATED being known as Laynes girlfriend.If I had a quarter for all the times she and I were approached with I know youyoure Laynes girlfriend and she would step back and reply No, I am Demri I would take all of us to Vegas. Kurt Cobain short-circuited death by heroin with a shotgun blast to the head in 1994. Demris story haunted me when I first learned of it a few years ago. He also did Mad Season at some point in there. And I have a life too. People are complex and I never knew her but it seems this tribute site exists because she earned it. xx. . Anyway sorry I could not be more helpful. About. The next year they got invited to play Unplugged and did a couple of songs for a movie and then Demri died in October and Layne kindof shut himself off. I pray that you have lots and lots of time left with no pain. I think of her all the time, and how our similarities made me feel so much better about myself as a teenager. Thank you. To clarify Demri was in the hospital at least 13 times I know of each time 2-4 months from 93 to 96 which didnt leave much time for her to get in trouble. Jessica I am so sorry for your loss. Once you fall, that base diminishes. Was it the pressure she felt? i was born after demris passing but reading about her and seeing her photos is truly enchanting. Thats what all 4 of my friends whose lifes are over would tell you all who are hear reading this. He knew that I liked her, and I think she would sometimes use me I knew she was really Big hugs! yes.. devin, derek, and david. What's not known is if they finally connected. She showed me her belly button, and she goes, Look, I can make a cats butt! Scared of what? Mad Season, Layne's side projects/art, Jerry's solo work. The site is great, the pictures are beautiful, and it so wonderful that we can remember them. PONY MAURICE (Feast singer) I kind of fell in love with Xana and Demri for a while. It is possible. Im sorry, but I just cant stand the man. Brown - Dark What color is Demri Parrott's hair? Demri had the help of her family and Layne, not something to ignore. It helped me get the guts to start learning to play guitar, something Ive wanted to do for a long time! Layne and Demri met at a party back in 1988 and it was love at first sight. Demri looking sweet and beautiful.. she was such a natural beauty. She very much held her own identity and path. A fascinating existence to say the least. She stumples out to the car and passes out (O.D.s duh!). In order to post comments, please make sure JavaScript and Cookies are enabled, and reload the page. Again Thank you so much for sharing your story it is important that we all share our stories with each other openly and honestly so another person does not fall into the same trap. Why? But I will say this: Jerry saw this coming. Every parent wants their child to grow up healthy and successful. I just was smitten with Xana. R.I.P. But I hope that you will. She has been an extremely impressionable part of my lifeand it warms my heart to see her honored. Apparently, he found that lasting love with Dem or did he? Thank you for sharing. A lot of people think he was shitty because he would prop Layne up on a microphone stand if he had to and do the show, even if Layne was totally wrecked. When Demri passed, Layne really took that hard. She was an addict, just like Layne. Learn More{{/message}}. How did her kids get so involved with drugs and addiction? But not in a slutty way. I have never known Mike to lie and I knew him a long time. 2 years after they were engaged and about 6 years since they began dating, the former couple split. AIC has always been a huge impact on me personally (and musically). I stumbled across it by chance. :)), Thanks for this site and sharing so much about your friends. He had his cats and a nice place to live and his art and his hobbies. No one would have had any idea who she was if not for Layne. I had started working for Sony Records at the time, doing a regional A&R job, and with them being signed to a Sony label, it was a little bit awkward for both us. You are a survivor and your story is so important, especially to those that struggle xx, Hi Barbara, just wanted to share this video with you, just in case this photo in it is Demri You could say that I believe in alternative medicine, have you heard about the raw vegan/ vegan movement? When I spoke to Layne I was pissed off and crying, and told him what was going on at the house, but he pretty much already knew. Im sorry, Layne. Having been an avid fan of grunge for well over 20 years, I had always wondered about those references to Demri in relation to Laynes demise. Career: Model, Artist, Muse, and Actress. The did accept him but it never worked out. Jerry was REALLY different back then. Start a new life and meet new friends otherwise its always a phone call away and for addicts its just to easy to make that call. Barbara D. I wish they were still hear every time I listen to him sing I cry its so sad Ive been fighting my addictions for 20 years its a daily struggle but the music keeps me alive for now I pray there together energy doesnt die the spirit is forever. The talent and beauty he had surrendered to drug addiction and the rest was due to depression due to his drug use so all of it was due to heroin. Mike met with her because when Layne got mad she refused his calls so Mike did it to tell her off and because he wanted to find out why he was ejected from the band and figured it was from Melinda and Sean breaking up. On top of this, Staley had lost his ability to ingest food and survived off supplements for the last few years of his life. Ive been tormented by my addiction to IV heroin for the last 14 years, my best friend in the world, my everything, my older sister, is the spitting image of gorgeous angelic Dem. You are not invincible and you cant just experiment with Heroin. Date of birth: February 22, 1969 The first one who loved and protected Layne (Jerry had music, yeah a hundred guys did, but nobody had Laynes voice and it was amazing. It changes the chemistry in your brain and you become to where you can not experience joy or happiness with out it and it takes YEARS for your brain to recuperate and those are some pretty sad years where your brain does not function properly. She had been clean for a little while before she went in and shot heroin with that guy she was dating. It is not worth your life and the heartbreak of your family just to see what its like. I visit it often . I have no doubt in my mind about that. Back in 93 early 94 Layne was seeing this dip**** model who did more harm to him than good. We never celebrated my birthday so she wanted to be clean so we could which was on the 28th. Ill try to sum this up as much as i can. I do not know how much truth there is in the message must have the attributes and say their name. She had allegedly accepted that drugs would kill her, and so she continued to use. As a young artist, she wrote poems and also found a way to start a career as an amateur actor. Demri was okay with paying half, but not all. I am so sorry that post was so long. He is still my favorite singer of all time to this day; that will never change I dont think. Mad Season was an American rock super group formed in 1994 as a side project of members of other bands in the Seattle grunge scene (Layne was the lead singer with Pearl Jam's guitarist Mike McCready, drummer Barrett Martin of Screaming Trees and bassist John Baker Saunders). However, I was very struck by the beautiful young woman with him in pictures. Just as Alice in Chains became famous, Staley's girlfriend, Demri Lara Parrott, introduced him to heroin. Thanks for the reply. Makes me scared to have children. Look at her smile, too. You did so much for them. Layne and Demri's relationship made me come to terms with the fact that some people in your life will just drill a hole in your head and insert themselves there and there's nothing you can do to ever get them out. REED HUTCHINSON (Feast guitarist) Before Layne was going out with Demri, I got to know her through Demri counted on Layne & others to help, & they did. Its all in your head how this life is and if you can find away to stay positive then everything wont look so dark. No one had a bad thing to say about her and honestly believe shes in that extreme minority of human beings that are inherently and intrinsically GOOD people. There was one time I found a spoon, and it was obvious what it had been used for. Demri didnt wear glasses like that girl. Please go to a support group. "I pay you," she screamed back. Let their legacy be one of art and discovery, friendship and love. some photos just got released of Demri a month before she died. Oh lord, the jokes ;D They would go out together and a lot of people thought they were gay. A Subreddit for anything Alice in Chains related. Who was she as a child and a teenager? I have wanted the book for years, but could not see me spending $200+ for a paperback book. Maybe some of Dems other friends can help you to confirm if that is really her but I say 100% NO.. but you should ask Fab what she thinks or Darin Lamb. I know it can be a struggle to help drug addicts. Especially a timeless celebrity like Layne Staley who left behind such a powerful legacy of music that continues to be important to so many people. You have to completely get away from your environment you used in like the whole city you gotta find all new friends and you need to want it more then anything else!! She was 26.. The day I met Demri she was wearing them, along with cut-off jeans, and a cardigan shed had since gradeschool (apparently). Did Layne Staley write a song about Demri Parrott? It was for that, not because he was mean or wanted to date, he just wanted them both to get well and even said he wished Rehab had Co-Addictive Behavior Counselling for couples, which I was trying to help with at Wickenburg. Staley and Parrott, by then his fiance, went to rehab together at least once. Demri Lara Parrott Murphy (February 22nd 1969 - October 29th 1996) was an American model, artist, and muse, and an amateur actress, girlfriend and later fiance of Alice in Chains singer Layne Staley. also if you look up Demri Parrott Dave Hillis, theres a pic of her in not great condition soon before she passed. Also how she would decorate her hospital room with the same. He became sort of ashamed and let it go longer than he should have. Jerry is one of the best melody writers ever, and Layne was a virtuoso vocalist and obviously his lyrics resonate with so many people. I originally posted feeling pretty down and Im sorry I vented about personal feelings that only tangentially had anything to do with Layne. As mean and selfish as it may sound for an addict to abandon their loved ones THATS exactly what I am talking about! When she was herself she was a very sensitive and fun girl. I believe that when he lost her he probably felt like it should have been him and that the only hope to be happy was gone and like I explained before he probably just gave up trying to quit and just decided to let it consume him. That was the night of the 28th. For me, layne was Alice in Chains. Gives a little insight into her life at the time. She was the "it" girl in Seattle in the early 90s and anyone who knew her and the club scene at the time I doubt would argue with me on that.". Murphy. Devido ao abuso de drogas, Parrott lutou com problemas cardacos e passou por vrias cirurgias de corao aberto. It has been very therapeutic for me over the years and it has helped to keep Demris memory alive and has introduced her name to so many who never knew who she was which was my original goal. Jerry always had this I told you so thing going on. All Unknown Facts, Mutt Lange Was Shania Twain's Husband Before Frdric Thibaud -, Harry Joseph Letterman - Bio, Details About His Kidnap, 7 Other Facts, Moira Dela Torre Had Difficult Experiences in The Past - Everything About Her, Ch Avery- Shocking True Story Of Lloyd Avery IIs Brother, 30 Best Fuck You Songs For Very Difficult Moments, Demri Parrotts Death, Mystery About Her Life And Layne Staley, Darryl Baum: Facts About Mike Tysons Guard Who Shot 50 Cent. You can tell when theyre lifers. Songwriting abilities have nothing to do with personality. Staley's girlfriend, Demri Lara Parrott, started shooting smack and Alice in Chains got famous. Was she brought to this career choice based on struggles in her own life? 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