Aside from this, the code has already been adapted by others to work against all subscriptions, by enclosing it in a loop, as seen here. How to query the various AppService minTlsVersion settings using ARG "resourceGuid": "d77ad786-7150-4871-bbf4-da60017464b9", "id": "/subscriptions/6506b559-5861-471b-aa74-11b06d0688a3/resourceGroups/JustOneTestRG/providers/Microsoft.Network/publicIPAddresses/JustOneTestVM-ip", "id": "/subscriptions/6506b559-5861-471b-aa74-11b06d0688a3/resourceGroups/JustOneTestRG/providers/Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworks/JustOneVnet/subnets/JustOneSubnet". In order to use Powershell to run our ARG queries, well need the Search-AzGraph cmdlet, which resides in the Az.ResourceGraph module. Lets discuss the 2 concerns above for this case: consistency looks to work as expected, at least from my tests, as I could not reproduce the issue seen in first photo of this answer. The -Skip will tell where the result window starts from, and the -First parameter will tell how many rows will be retrieved from that starting point. Q: Im trying to run a Kusto query in ARG thats using the join operator. You can spot this by their null values in the respective figure, which is one of the 4 incarnations of a dynamic type, as seen above. In this case, as you have issues with IPs updating, thats the Network resource provider that is actually not tracked by ARM directly. The output contains a row for each match of this row with rows from the right. Please use a different subscription. "VMSize" = $vm.HardwareProfile.VmSize Currently editing the columns does allow seeing one public IP of the machine,but you wont get to see the 3 public IPs a VM might have assigned on its various vmNics or within its multiple IP configurations. There was an article herewritten about a year ago, stating that dynamic IP addresses couldnt be retrieved using ARG. } Using Azure CLI to query ARG will be touched upon at the end of this article, but only briefly. 1. Consider if one or multiple VMs get deleted when the set of queries is running, in the middle of pagination. } Note -This script will collect all VMs including the status, OS Type, Version, VM, Location, Resorce Group and Subscription Name. Q: I have a ARM VM with one vmNic thats connected to a virtual network (VNet). What can I do in the meantime? { Even if you keep yourself active in that session, Cloud Shell still issues tokens valid for 1h, so the cmdlets running will start erroring out after that time, with the dreaded The access token expiry UTC time