May not be delegated authority to make any commitments or changes that affect price, quality, quantity, delivery, or other terms and conditions of the contract. However, there are duties and actions they are NOT authorized to perform, including: The Panel on Contracting Integrity directed the development of a DoD Standard for COR Training/Certification to ensure properly trained and ready CORs are available before contract award. In a Google+ Hangout last month, President Obama refused to say directly if he had the authority to use lethal force against US citizens. This ensures you quickly get to the core! The form will also elaborate on the reason why the . -authorize the use of overtime. Termination of COR Appointments. Once an applicant is conditionally registered as an SBS Apparent authority is authority perceived by a third party (e.g., a contractor) to exist, when authority was never actually conferred upon the government agent in question.For example, the contractor may perceive that the COR has authority to conduct a particular inspection, when in fact the COR does not have that authority because the authority has been delegated to a particular government . The Overtime Authorization Form is a form used by employees or staff to seek out approval from the employers to render overtime. The government has ________ from receipt of an invoice to notify the contractor if it is improper. The Quality Assurance Surveillance Plan (QASP) provides the government inspection plan to ensure contractor quality. Testing it All Together. The COR contributes by: A Quality Assurance Surveillance Plan (QASP) is __________? From the following statements, choose the correct answer: The contracting officer appoints the contracting officer's representative in writing. DISTINGUISH BETWEEN PERSONAL AND NON-PERSONAL SERVICES AND ACT ACCORDINGLY WHEN WORKING WITH CONTRACTOR PERSONNEL:Personnel services contracts are authorized by the government when . 1. a. ANALYZE THE INSPECTION CLAUSES FOR FIXED TYPE AND COST REIMBURSEMENT CONTRACTS USED IN CONSTRUCTION:According to the Davis Bacon Act (DBA), contractor employees shall be paid no less than the prevailing wage rates as determined by the Secretary of Labor and ____________. Choose the best answer regarding the scope of this requirement. Monies are withheld or deducted for contract noncompliance. . The two notices may be used sequentially or, depending on the time left in performance, only a single notice might be used. (g) Method of Calculation. Stopping work on a production line if you suspect improperly performed work, DESCRIBE A CORS RESPONSIBILITIES IN INSPECTING AND ACCEPTING SUPPLIES AND SERVICES: EXPLAIN THE PRIMARY PURPOSE OF GOVERNMENT INSPECTION:The Contracting Officer'S Representative'S role in inspection is to determine whether the completed supplies and services conform to what the government ordered and can be accepted. The information contained in this Website is for informational purposes only and is not intended as a form of direction or advice and should not be relied upon as a complete definitive statement in relation to any specific issue. (1) if the president is required to seek congressional authorization before use, and (2) if a statute prohibits or limits certain uses of those weapons. true, IDENTIFY MAJOR REQUIREMENTS FOR TIMELY INVOICE REVIEW AND PAYMENTS: IDENTIFY INVOICE PAYMENT REQUIREMENTS ASSOCIATED WITH APPROPRIATE CONTRACT INVOICE CLAUSE:The government has ________ from receipt of an invoice to notify the contractor if it is improper. Approval of the use of overtime may be granted by an agency approving official after determining in writing that overtime is necessary to - (1) Meet essential delivery or performance schedules; . cost reimbursement contracts require less monitoring by the COR than other types of contracts. x Under fixed price contracts the Government does not normally monitor the number of employees, number of breaks, or length of lunch time for contractor employees. CPD Mark and Premium CPD Mark for Estate Agencies Award Scheme. The COR must receive a written designation of their authority to act on behalf of the contracting officer. However, on a base or installation or in a contingency contracting environment, equipment may be accountable under the contract as Government Property. DISCUSS WHEN AND WHY SCHEDULE COMPLIANCE MUST BE BROUGHT TO THE ATTENTION OF THE KO:If a contractor is delinquent on a portion of a contract, and that portion is clearly severable from the continuing portion of the contract, the Contracting Officer may terminate the deficient portion of the contract using a Partial Termination. When the approver has the role of the requestor of the purchase of goods or services, the request will be submitted to the next higher level for authorization and approval. . . Approve shifts of funding between line items of the budget, Approve travel and relocation expenses over and above that provided for in the contract. The contracting officer's representative (COR) has true. Cost Reimbursement, GIVEN A CONTRACT ACTION, IDENTIFY THE DELEGATED TECHNICAL FUNCTIONS FOR WHICH THE COR IS RESPONSIBLE: IDENTIFY FACTORS TO BE ASSESSED WHEN DOCUMENTING A CONTRACTOR`S PERFORMANCE: When conducting assessment of contractor performance, the COR must consider:(Check all that apply): x selected all 4 x Terms and Conditions // The Inspection Plan, Terms and Conditions // The Inspection Plan // Concerns of safety and welfare, RECOGNIZE THE REQUIREMENT TO SAFEGUARD DATA WITH RESTRICTIVE MARKINGS:Select the item that is considered a restrictive marking: . the service contract act was enacted to protect economies in the geographical areas the service contract act was enacted to protect economies in the geographical areas IDENTIFY APPROPRIATE EVALUATION FACTORS/CRITERIA:Using informal source selection; the contracting officer acts as the Source Selection Authority but must follow the criteria spelled out in the solicitation when selecting the contractor to receive the award. Overtime is the time that a nonexempt employee works beyond 40 hours in a single work week. . DISTINGUISH BETWEEN PERSONAL AND NON-PERSONAL SERVICES AND ACT ACCORDINGLY WHEN WORKING WITH CONTRACTOR PERSONNEL:When working with contractor personnel on a non-personal services contract, the COR should: x Rate individual contractor employee performance, DEFINE EVM AND COST PERFORMANCE REPORTING:An Earned Value Management system that is formally validated and accepted by the cognizant contracting officer is required on cost or incentive contracts valued at or greater than ____. Which of the following statements is true regarding this duty? true, IDENTIFY COR RESPONSIBILITIES SUPPORTING THE PLANNING AND SUBMISSION OF CONTRACT CHANGES DOCUMENTS NEEDED TO NEGOTIATE A MODIFICATION:The COR has identified a change to the contract that will increase costs. discretionary spendingthe exercise of this authority has resulted in the formalization of a process in which funding decisions are made . . A trusted agent (TA) does not have privileged access to certification authority system (CAS) components to authorize certificate issuance, certificate revocation, or key recovery. true, DESCRIBE A CORS RESPONSIBILITIES IN INSPECTING AND ACCEPTING SUPPLIES AND SERVICES:The inspection clause for ____________contracts allows for the contractor to charge the cost of rework to the government. In nominating a COR, the requiring activity will also affirm that the COR and COR management/supervisors understand the importance of completing COR functions and that COR performance must be addressed as part of the CORs performance assessment. false, LIST THE CONTENTS OF A QUALITY ASSURANCE SURVEILLANCE PLAN (QASP)/ PERFORMANCE ASSESSMENT PLAN (PAP):The Quality Assurance Surveillance Plan identifies ALL work requiring surveillance and the method of surveillance: . . x Yes, 41 U.S.C. Please note that you should expect to receive a response from our team, regarding your inquiry, within 2 business days. . Cost Reimbursement, IDENTIFY MAJOR REQUIREMENTS FOR TIMELY INVOICE REVIEW AND PAYMENTS: DISCUSS THE INVOICE POLICY AND PROCESS OF FAR PART 32.9:Under the Prompt Payment clause, unless specifically prohibited by the contract, the contractor is entitled to payment for accepted partial deliveries of supplies or partial performance of services that comply with all applicable contract requirements and for which prices can be calculated from the contract terms. The COR should only use formal communication when working with a contractor. After each delivery, contractor send its invoice to the COR; COR review and approve invoice in WAWF - invoices vary base on the factors addressed earlier. A widely accepted industry best practice for project management used across the Department of Defense, the Federal Government and the commercial sector. As After award of the contract, the post-award conference is a good place to ensure that the government and the contractor have a common understanding of the contractual requirements. The American National Standards Institute/Electronic Industries Alliance (ANSI/EIA) established 36 management system guidelines that ensure and provide complete information needed to make management decisions. all these statements are correct, RECOGNIZE THE BASIC INFORMATION (PERIOD OF PERFORMANCE, PWS, CONTRACT VALUE) FOUND IN A CONTRACT TO INCLUDE THE UNIFORM CONTRACT FORMAT:All of the following are examples of contract formats except? 2. From the following, select the correct statement of one of those prohibitions: . Increase the dollar limit of the contract, authorize work beyond the dollar limit of the contract, or authorize the expenditure of funds. . The approval or authorization of the necessity for goods or services will be made by a person who has been delegated this responsibility. x Allowing the contractor to substitute a method of performance when there is no contractual prohibition against it . In the fields of sociology and political science, authority is the legitimate power that a person or a group of persons possess and practice over other people. The COR is a servicemember or Department of Defense (DOD) civilian appointed in writing by a contracting officer. A critical way that formal communication differs from informal is that formal communication is binding upon the parties and informal communication is non-binding. Must be qualified by training and experience commensurate with the responsibilities to be delegated in accordance with department/agency guidelines. Inefficient or misguided performance by the contractor can mean that the government will have to curtail or forgo needed services or rob other programs to provide . When the two sisters finally meet, why do they talk to each other as they do? . . Items to consider during the development of the IGE include: (select all that apply), 1. No ethics law or regulation has been violated; however the appearance of impropriety might exist. UN-2. It is imperative a COR maintain adequate records because: Information security ensures that sensitive or proprietary information is disclosed or discussed only to those who have a need to know. . In accordance with Enclosures 3 and 4 of DoDI 5000.72, Requiring Activities are responsible for identifying and nominating individuals for COR assignments, and ensuring that the individuals will be provided the necessary resources (time, supplies, equipment, and opportunity) to perform the designated functions. The Contracting Officer's Representative Designation/Appointment Letter. 10 to 15 million is a commonly used range (we set 10 million as default for the Cooley GO Docs Incorporation Package ). IDENTIFY THE DUTY TO PROVIDE TECHNICAL CLARIFICATION TO THE CONTRACTOR WITHOUT CREATING AN UNAUTHORIZED OBLIGATION OR CONSTRUCTIVE CHANGE TO THE CONTRACT:John, the COR on a services contract, has made an unauthorized commitment by authorizing the contractor to perform services that were not within the scope of the contract. . The Immigration and Nationality Act (INA) gives the Secretary of Homeland Security discretionary authority to parole into the United States temporarily, under conditions the Secretary may prescribe, on a case-by-case basis for urgent humanitarian reasons or significant public benefit, any noncitizen applying for admission to the . Copy. Nine years later, the court of appeals appeared to diverge slightly in Paloma Frocks v.Shamokin Sportswear, 3 N.Y.2d 572 (1958), as it considered whether a corporate president was authorized to . . all these responses are correct, DESCRIBE A COR'S RESPONSIBILITIES IN INSPECTING AND ACCEPTING SUPPLIES AND SERVICES: IDENTIFY DOCUMENTATION REQUIREMENTS WHEN PERFORMING INSPECTION AND ACCEPTANCE:A COR will typically use a ____________ to document the inspection and acceptance of a supply or service. The COR can sign up for and take classes at the Defense Acquisition University (DAU) or the DoD Component. The Contracting Officer's Representative's normal monitoring activities should shed light on warning signs of contractor problems, such as a failure to meet performance deadlines. Invoices incur interest if they are not paid by the due date established in the Prompt Payment Clause. Cloned 225. Which of the following is TRUE regarding requirements development and documentation? The work to be performed, location of the work, period of performance, deliverable schedule, any special requirements, LIST THE REQUIREMENTS FOR PREPARING A STATEMENT OF WORK OR STATEMENT OF OBJECTIVES:When writing a SOW use the SMART principle which stands for: . Which one of the following statements is true? IDENTIFY HOW A COR REPORTS SUSPECTED INCIDENTS OF FRAUD, WASTE AND ABUSE AND UNETHICAL CONDUCT:What guidelines should Contracting Officer's Representatives following to ensure they are following ethical standards? An independent detailed assessment developed by a government team member A Statement Of Work should include the following: The work to be performed, location of work, period of performance, deliverable schedule, any special requirements. scheduling The Intelligence . . (Select all that apply), IDENTIFY THE COR RESPONSIBILITIES IN THE SOURCE SELECTION EVALUATION:The COR's role in evaluating and awarding a contract include IPT member, SSEB technical evaluator, and Technical Expert or Representative: . The proposals are evaluated against the evaluation factors which must include cost/price to the Government. Cost reimbursement contracts are used when there is uncertainty in the outcome of the effort; the greatest risk is placed on the Government. Specific. DISCUSS WHEN AND WHY SCHEDULE COMPLIANCE MUST BE BROUGHT TO THE ATTENTION OF THE KO:When the contractor is delinquent on contract performance, the two types of delinquency notices sent by the Contracting Officer are: x A Cure Notice and a Termination Notice. March 5, 2013, 4:30 PM President Barack Obama has the legal authority to unleash deadly forcesuch as drone strikesagainst Americans on U.S. soil without first putting them on trial, Attorney. . Authority to Approve Overtime: The Program Manager may authorize overtime consistent with these policies. This is adding value for the government and additional expense to the contractor. If the contractor delivers a non-conforming item or service, the __________ may accept the deliverable. Which one of the following statements is true? Manage Settings The Contract File must contain the following at a minimum: (FAR 1.605). Usually, the COR is in charge of keeping an eye on and managing how the contract works and how well it is doing. true, IDENTIFY THE CONTRACTING EXPENDITURES, FUNDING ISSUES, OVERRUNS, REQUESTS FOR TRAVEL AND OVERTIME THAT WILL BE DISCUSSED WITH THE CONTRACTING OFFICER:The Contracting Officer'S Representative has authority to approve overtime requests from the contractor. The KO should consult with Enclosure 6 of DoDI 5000.72 to determine and identify the specific tasks and duties to be performed by the COR for the particular contract or task/delivery order. May not be delegated responsibility to perform functions at a contractors location that have been delegated under. Which of the following is not a streamlined method of acquisition? Under the Prompt Payment clause, unless specifically prohibited by the contract, the contractor is entitled to payment for accepted partial deliveries of supplies or partial performance of services that comply with all applicable contract requirements and for which prices can be calculated from the contract terms. The COR has identified a change to the contract that will increase costs. Contracting Officers are responsible for deciding if they need an individual to serve as their authorized representative (i.e., COR) for purposes of monitoring the technical or administrative aspects of contractor performance during the life-cycle of the contract. Your organization has purchased a diesel generator for emergency power support. Stating that the COR may be personally liable for unauthorized acts. No, contracting government specialists can have a wide range of options dependent upon the program(s) they support. . true, DISTINGUISH BETWEEN FORMAL AND INFORMAL COMMUNICATION AND ITS EFFECT ON GIVING TECHNICAL DIRECTION:A critical way that formal communication differs from informal is that formal communication is binding upon the parties and informal communication is non-binding. Source of COR authority is the Contracting Officer (KO) A COR must be designated/appointed by the KO in writing Authority specified in COR Designation Letter Specifies scope and limitations of authority delegated Separate designation made for each contract/order . Authorize the furnishing of government property except as required under the contract. Which of the following is NOT true? However, on a base or installation or in a contingency contracting environment, equipment may be accountable under the contract as Government Property. Best Answer. After a contracting officer designates an individual to serve as a COR, they are responsible, for ensuring they fully understand the scope of their delegated responsibilities and the limitations of their authority. The "load" encompasses labor, weight of load, type of load, and the travel time or delivery time. A COR has . COR benefits Safe and healthy workplace COR-certified employers demonstrate leadership, commitment to continual improvement, and dedication to worker health and safety. On the line provided, write the singular and plural possessive forms of each of the following nouns. . 3 Answers. . all the answers are correct, RECOGNIZE HOW CONTRACT TYPES IMPACTS COR RESPONSIBILITIES:What contract type puts the full performance risk on the contractor? Of a process in which funding decisions are made behalf of the contract delegated in accordance with guidelines. 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