It really depends on your values. This comes at a time when most people are celebrating the Christmas and New Year holiday with great gusto after years of little to no festivities. 10 Strong Psychic Predictions for Celebs in 2022; 10 Times the Simpsons Accurately Predicted the Future; 2. THE NEW UNIONS Predictions are predictions because they have not happened yet. This double act or duet is a radical departure from the known and a leap into all that is new, different, liberating and exciting. Good read as always! Youll see more of what I am talking about after May. Thank you. Ross and Carrie enlist the help of various future-seers, from psychics to astrologers to dead people to Cosmopolitan Magazine to see how 2022 will pan out for them and for the world. You are solely responsible for what you post. I once thought that nothing could be worse than the 2014-2015 I had but along came 2018-2022. Canada will partner with America far more from 2026 when selected US states will seek out Canadian closeness new transport and travel inventions will help create the new US-Canada relationship. For many different reasons, Leo, perhaps including property, you should be wealthy in 2022. Just like to say : Pharmacists (chemists or drugstore staff) and telehealth on Zoom already replaced doctors in Canada. Dear Jessica, There are striking similarities with this historic Uranus/North Node cycle in Taurus and today. UKRAINE I am Taurean (born 24 April). Try not to buy into co-dependent financial relationships. The Taurus Weather of 2021-2026 will affect your finances, house, business, apartment if you have Taurus factors and/or Scorpio factors in your personal birth chart. This is the last full year of powerful Pluto in Capricorn, in your solar Eleventh House of groups. Its in your astrological D.N.A. This is down to your ruling planet Jupiter managing to spend 2022 in not just one, but two signs. Im wondering if Im picking up collective detours about my 2023 concerning covid or if there is a personal obstacle that I need to be aware of. It begins in May with Jupiter joining Uranus in Taurus in the Fifth House of your solar chart. Pluto moves out of conservative Capricorn into an innovative sign advances in fusion energy and AI and hopefully some new thinking on the desperate plight of refugees around the world and Jupiter promising optimism and abundance moves into Taurus where Uranus is disrupting food supplies worldwide. You will either be so wealthy that you can afford to give, lend or donate to people who have much less than you or you may find things are on the upturn, as your low bank balance is helped by a generous person or organisation. Or just working from home. The year begins with a traffic jam of planets in Capricorn, dominating January-March, which suggests you will rise again. SCOTT MORRISON AND THE SECRET MINISTRIES What is in store for us in 2022? Thank you Jessica. India has reacted very quickly to the situation in China, bringing back mask mandates in most states and a requirement for negative Covid tests for those coming in from China and a few other countries. This prediction ran two years before it happened. Thanks. WOMEN AND GIRLS IN SCOTLAND WIN Your career is not as important as you might think; these cycles arent long-term, so your focus may change later. Having learned so much about two, or one-against-one, Sagittarius, you are now free to make the wheels go round in your life. Ive been wishing and hoping to move for over a decade. Joe Strummer, 21st August. Another important prediction, which is coming out to be true, is that 2022 will be a year of virtual realities. I try to keep positive but there is so much change in my life these past 6 years since I became widowed. The Eighth House is about inheritance and legacy, and shared finances and property. Questions and Answers About 2022 Predictions I am circling back to this feature about 2022 in astrology and psychic prediction, as the video has now . I understand how incredibly busy you are so I appreciate if you take the time to respond. Nostradamus predicted that. You are a Sun Pisces with Pisces and Capricorn stelliums. Eventually evidence will be found of a cover-up by airlines, airports, cruise ships and politicians whereby it was very clear that infection transmission was taking place and being concealed. Is this something I can look forward to being a part of? Your shared vision of what might come is the key. Here's your Monthly Forecast by Astrologer @jessicacadams with a special extended forecast for me. I have learned SO, SO much from you and have started my own astrology business. Asc with a stellium of Leo. Support does not reply to questions about comments as we assume by posting you have read and understand this comment policy. It makes me wonder if people in the government are following the astrology!! Thank you so much. It may have been a political party. So well have issues on all fronts. We have been under Pluto in Capricorn since 2008 and people have forgotten how powerful they are as a group. Kate Bush, 30th July Are you a Premium Member? Pluto tests your self-control, your willpower and your personal power and influence. Shared electric car and bike stations. A smaller planet. , and discover 12 trends that our research reveals will have the most impact next year. In 2019, consumers spent nearly $40 million on the top 10 U.S. psychic and astrology apps, compared to $24 million . Actually Im taking care of my aging parents. The Earth's orbit will change. Im an Aries sun, Gemini rising, Virgo moon born in 1974. Charles III is not crowned yet. You all deserve it. The groundswell of anger from women, regards what the govt has done, is only going to increase. Nga mihi nui Enid Blyton, 11th August The tools are there. Larry David, 2nd July My sun sign on my birth chart is saying I am a Pisces, although on your sign dates on the website, I am a Aquarius (Im born February 19th). You are far ahead of Australia which has a very weak Prime Minister unfortunately. UK Predictions 2021-2030 in Astrology. The time has come to lose weight (say) or get serious about fitness perhaps to finally put in place measures for your best physical and mental health that you have put off, for years. We will see the worst phase of Covid worldwide begin in March, but the solution will also begin people power against employers and politicians. Mercury Retrograde is in Capricorn so proceed with orders, but have Plan B and C. Yes, there will be supply chain issues in 2023, 2024, 2025, 2026. It may be back home. Premium with Preview posts are exclusive member only content. In 2022 you are almost at the end of this cycle and no doubt a great deal of emotion and a fair amount of empowerment, too, has been the result. And advance notice about March and COVID. TAURUS Your courtship/courtships for 2023-2024 are unpredictable, liberating, the last thing you expected, offer you space/independence and a zig-zag through life. Jessica Adams says: 26 May 2022 at 5:53 am. The duet is about your twin souls, no matter if you are together personally or professionally. Great to know what I can expect with my Libra stellium. You know what to do. ACN 644668431. Forever grateful for you teachings. Im Leo with Virgo stellium. Watch at 35 minutes in. Ian Fleming, 28th May. For some of you, the Pluto-Juno conjunction on 24th January will tally with the appearance of a female academic, author or teacher perhaps just a highly-respected professional who has a huge amount of experience to pass on. Yet, you could emerge with a degree, or higher degree, by 2023. Listen here. Yet, you cant have the brilliant rebirth, the stunning resurrection if you like, or the personal renaissance without the grit in the oyster. Artificial Intelligence cant replace nurses. Jupiter is associated with the tiny acorn from which mighty oaks grow. His legacy will be an Australia-wide improvement of public transport, commuting and the travel industry, which I predicted before the election, if you want to search his name. The Sixth House is about health but also about work. Thank you for updating me on Canada. What we have are three, four, five injections (and counting) which do not stop us becoming ill, getting Long Covid or infecting others. Of course, there are good causes who deserve patronage. You are a Sun Libra man with a Libra stellium in your Seventh House so do best with a partner. MAXWELL, EPSTEIN AND TRUMP Then, he moves into Aries, which rules the pregnancy or adoption plans, children, teenagers or young adults in your life. What is their life budget? This year can be about the Freemasons as much as it is about yoga or meditation groups. Thank you for confirming the Leo prediction. I always enjoy your blog and reading this years predictions coming to pass. There is no shortage of energy, people or enthusiasm. The forests grew back. This transit of Saturn seems to be difficult if it comes to a restriction and limit. You do so much for this world we live in and give us all hope. Needless to say, this Jupiter and Neptune cycle does not last all year. It may be a simple question of tax money, gathered from the rich, and paid out to the poor (which might be you). You and your husband are in a good space in 2023 to buy a house. The long transit of Ceres in Gemini, in your sector of internet, publishing, education, academia and brainwaves will help. Of course, it is in Leos nature to be a patron. You will relaunch your reputation, title and appearance quite successfully by May 2023. Its astonishing to me that there is dead silence in the media about COVID, especially in NYC. The biggest period of expansion is Jupiter through Gemini, so from 2024, and new inventions online then propel a long period of liberating new success in quite revolutionary new mediums from 2026. Take the highs and the lows, and the bits in between. The fastest way into a chart, which can look complicated, is to start with the sun sign or zodiac sign chart. Hi Jessica, so interesting to read and looking forward to greater detail on the 1st of Jan. I agree with you. This global pandemic enters the most critical phase yet from March 2023 in every country of the world and the science is already showing that the variant I predicted in September is the problem. We will see a new one-world currency from May 2023. Also love your one line predictions for each sign. SCORPIO Thanks for another great year of predictions, horoscopes and answering silly questions from people like me who really have a very limited understanding of astrology. Will I find employment in this new place. We both want to be debt free, mortgage free/moving/better living conditions and enjoy life more. The virus migration on the Black Death astrology cycle, followed the sea and land trading routes of the time: The Silk Road. In this life Pluto tells you that you are here to discover your power and use it. Thank you so much. This rather higgledy-piggledy progress with the planet of hope, growth and big answers, leaves you confused at times, Cancer. Uranus (the revolution) leaves Taurus (the world economy) and goes into Gemini (transport) and so the new commute will be in the new, shared, small electric car schemes or on incredible new trains and buses. Thats another story though! Could you also explain what you mean by VIRGO A journey, met by you, or taken by you, changes your life. Are we talking about a physical journey? Rebirth and relaunch. Your Virgo Moon is really behind all this; your Moon is in the Sixth House of health and wellbeing so of course you have been powerfully affected by this pandemic. So its a Covid year, 2022, but that makes you focus, successfully, on export. While no one can say what 2021 will look like for certain, ABC4 spoke with a few local intuitives and turned to the readings of renowned psychic Nostradamus to get a glimpse of how they think the year will play out. Women and girls will win in Scotland and you will be involved. Leo, Virgo and Sagittarius will exchange notes. Life is a very far way from mundane reality when Neptune is at large, and here we have him in an historic conjunction with larger-than-life Jupiter on 12th April. Born July 21st, l do not know what my sun sign is, however, l want to start my own business with a stationery product l will trademark. Creativity, resilience, and agility fueled by strong customer understanding and smart techno. Why? Trees replaced abandoned farms and deserted villages. A family and friends celebration could bring a big new start. Michael Palin, May 5th. I published this forecast on 4th April 2017 do you remember seeing it? Finally, to deal with everything I have been putting energy on meditation, mindfulness, astrology. I've had so many questions about the future of Ukraine and Russia that I've pulled together predictions as far back as the 16th century (Nostradamus) about the fate of Vladimir Putin and Europe. You will find yourself surrounded by intriguing points of view, and fascinating influences in 2002. There is only one word for 2022 and its total global economic revolution. Help! Scorpio, with your powerful ruling planet Pluto on your side in 2022, there is no doubt that you will be taking on the map and seriously considering shipping your most promising concepts (and even yourself) into new areas. More than that, though, you need to find the right place for it. Predictions 2022: This Is A Year To Be Bold - According to Forrester's SVP, Research Sharyn Leaver, digital transformation can't happen . Keep reading if youre a Premium Member, for diary dates and your Tarot prediction for 2022. There are so many moral and ethical questions about giving and receiving money in 2022, Leo and you would not be human if they did not cross your mind, because you are going to be giving or receiving. Its uncanny how accurate you are. Obviously Jupiters involved here, Im trying to track the 3 generations part? Those who could give, did. See what Betsey foresees for world leaders and the upcoming U.S. elections in 2022 and what the future holds in 2023. We are going to see similar revolutionary changes in 2022-2023 with Uranus and the North Node in Taurus, the economy sign. The Jupiter and Neptune in Pisces Your Questions We now have over 4000 people in our Astrology and Tarot Meetup groups in New York. Id be grateful for some insight into my work life in 2023. I will go back and expand that brief prediction to clarify; of course Telehealth and Pharmacist/Chemist service wont work for many conditions. COVID AND UVC LIGHT The clash takes place between Pluto and the Moon, so for around 48 hours every four weeks, you run into hurdles about where you are for whatever reason. Its worth finding out your Sun Sign; you can do this if you have an accurate birth time. Chris Difford, November 4th In my book, the needles arent vaccines the way we wanted or expected them. Thank you in advance. Thank you so much Jessica. This meant supply shortages back then, and rationed food. Keep reading for diary dates and your Tarot reading for 2022. Cancer, you may have to streamline and eliminate. Border conflict will also escalate between India and China. Cities will be problems because nobody has installed UVC light throughout despite being told repeatedly by science that it is the answer. Yet, it will become the norm by May 2024 for a huge number of patients as we see Uranus and Jupiter in Taurus trine Virgo placements for millions. Nostradamus Predictions for Vladimir Putin Nostradamus wrote his famous Prophecies in the 16th century. The year of the Rabbit is dramatic, but how did astrology accurately predict 2022? Whoopi Goldberg, November 13th This is a general message to you in the Aries, Gemini, Libra, Scorpio, Aquarius group. Astrology reliably predicts the future. It will be choice-based, of course, but it means health care becomes faster, easier and more affordable for many. In addition I have a child whos still being schooled at home even though he would be much better served being around classmates and is falling behind. These signs, together, have interesting challenges, changes and choices involving groups in 2022. Happy New Year Jessica and thank you for explaining the role of the Rising Sign and looking at my chart. If you notice owls turning up in your life in 2022, dont be surprised. I think of Capricorn/ Taurus, two of the 3 earth signs as representative of our functioning world. Cant wait for the uv-c lights for the home. As the New York Post reported, Currency king loses $13 billion in a flash Crypto crash.. ARIES This is extremely unusual. Australian Government levied Goods and Services Tax (GST) of 10% is applied to applicable orders at checkout. I am so grateful if you can reply Jessica. This is either about a duet you are in, or a duet you strongly affect. Diana Princess of Wales, 1st July But the choice will be there. 2023 Psychic Astrology Predictions The Conscious Cafe The Conscious Cafe in London (via Zoom) has kindly hosted my regular Astrology and Tarot 2023 event. Sagittarius, you have spent two long years with circular karma involving a duet or duel in your life. Happy New Year. Jessica Adams has a loyal fan base of over 2 million followers globally, each of them visit her astrology site on average 20 times each and every year for good reason: her predictions are so accurate that they simply cannot be ignored. I purchased my report for the 2023/ 2024 cycle. Do remember, Leo is generous. He named the COVID-19 variants, as far back as the 16th century. Happy New Year Fishie; you will be gratefully receiving money or in such a good position you hand it out. Hello Jessica, So this is long-term for you. The most restrictive and limited financial transit in 29 years ends in March though, so you are on your way. Happy New Year Jessica! Are you a Premium Member? You will relaunch your title, reputation and appearance happily by May. How Astrology Predicted 2020. Will the economy prosper in 2023 and not be jeopardized by all those stupid policies being proposed? If you have time as I know you respond to so many comments. Hi Jessica, Just be aware that from March, the financial side of a new house or apartment will put you on new, heavy rules. Funny you too posted something from NYpost! It may involve religion, self-help, counselling, meditation, hypnosis or other solitary pursuits. Bettie Page, April 22nd Rock band. Dear Jessica You will be delighted with your new job offers or opportunities from May 2023 to May 2024 as Jupiter goes into your Tenth House of success in your public chart and in your private chart, he trines your Virgo stellium in the Sixth House of work. Will he find his path? The virus was predicted twice on this website back in 2019, and the astrology named China and I also gave two dates. Huge lifestyle and social change. No more kerosene. Perhaps what happens to these six countries Belgium, France, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands and Luxemburg originally in the EEC will also affect your bank balance. It makes for an important 12 months, particularly if you are in a marriage, or a professional partnership. A sudden reshuffle at work, home or university offers a lot. RT @astrologyshow: Welcome to March 2023! Thank you so much for your response Jessica. Very wary about what some of the implications will be. The Omicron variant began in South Africa and was taken to Hong Kong. I am sorry your children are going through these challenges. Its more likely that youll take the former option, though. It may in fact be through the Pope, or a Bishop, or perhaps a Hindu teacher. I have 16,269 comments today so unfortunately I am not sure where yours has gone tobut I have your chart here so will take a look now. Now this psychic is predicting the future for 2022 and it is interesting. Thank you so much for pointing this out. The combination of Saturn in your solar Tenth House and Pluto in your solar Ninth House (status and publishing) often chimes with a debut or re-entry in the book world. What do these planets in 6th mean? That ends in July but there is a strong theme of owing others, and being owed. You will give or receive money as there is an excess in 2023. Thats really important. There are some terrific things about 2023 including Jupiter in Aries (a new way to look better; perhaps at-home cosmetic injectables or new products for the face) and Jupiter in Taurus (you will be given digital credits of cryptocurrency for your presence on social media). You and your partner (any sort of partner) have karma to sort out from July 2023 and it will take you into 2024 as there is a great need for closure. If your marriage is on the rocks you may split, at last but create a superior life around a child. Your Sun is in Capricorn in the Tenth House of success, ambition and goals, so you shine when it works for you, and have to try harder when it doesnt. It appears both hopeful and challenging at the same time. Thank you so much in advance for your time and help!!! Businessmen and politicians are trying to avoid a recession so ignoring or covering up. And what does all this achieve? Paul Weller, 25th May When there is a buck to be made from UVC light bulbs, you can bet politicians and big business will suddenly make a u-turn on that. They say that they have hundreds of satisfied businesses, including Hilton & Subway. LEO A stuck situation with money ends in March 2023 and you can at last act on decisions without being sent backwards and forwards. Hello Jessica, The low income has meant less social interactions, the group I belonged to Ive moved away from and have only a handful of friends I catch up with from time to time. Thank you so much for this and the Aquarius Factors post (which was spot on). Maybe both, at certain times. Jessica thank you for these amazing predictions. The Fourth House is about your town, your country, your roots, heritage and culture. Yes, it may do. As a Sun Sagittarius woman with a stellium in Sagittarius in the Ninth House of publishing, and a Gemini stellium in the Third House of media, you will write and/or broadcast your whole life. Perhaps you want babies, or maybe you are thinking about a stronger role with godchildren, nieces, nephews or other peoples children. See what comes up. GEMINI You will notice this really dramatically in March. What I am seeing here is not just the lid blowing off Morrisons career there may be actual physical and structural issues with Kirribilli (The Lodge) or within Canberra itself Parliament House.. Pharmacists (chemists or drugstore staff) and telehealth on Zoom will replace doctors worldwide from 2023-2026 in a great many cases, as Uranus (the revolution) trines the Virgo placements of billions. Who benefits from charity, the recipient or the donor? Yes, Nicola Sturgeon is doomed, just looking at these astrology charts for 2023 and 2024. Its rare to see Jupiter and Neptune, both in your opposite sign of Virgo in 2022. Taurus, you also have serious Saturn in your solar Tenth House of status, success, ambition, mission and position in 2022.This has not happened for around 29 years and if you were also born with Saturn in Aquarius (leaving your twenties and entering your thirties) this is your Saturn Return. Nobody likes them, but two-way masking is the cheapest, fastest, easiest way to bring down cases of Long Covid and death. Next year looks set to be just as chaotic as 2021, according to a gifted psychic, who predicts there will be drama involving chicken soup, a happier 12 months for the Queen and a new superfood Covid forced scientists to find an answer. Once it starts it will not stop and it will show in different ways to the year 2044, actually. The Libra stellium is important. You may have moved on from these comments but Im wondering about my story. This is what you read three years before it happened . Thanks Jessica. You can see why an unhealthy co-dependent relationship can sometimes arrive with Jupiter and Neptune in Pisces in the Eighth House of money and property (which you have, for most of the year). Now, you can put it to good use. Your difficulties have been down to the South Node in Scorpio and North Node in Taurus, passing through your chart, which have stretched you in areas of life you normally find quite easy: money, business, charity, property. The Black Death began near China (just as COVID-19 emerged in Wuhan). Your ruling planet is Pluto, as Ive mentioned, and hes been slowly travelling through your solar Third House of projects, ideas, concepts and brainwaves since January 27th, 2008. That was repeated in the Seventies (Womens Liberation) and this will be the third powerful triumph. You might remember I published this forecast about the crash on my website, on 26th December 2017: January 2020 Patterns Uranus in Taurus Share Market Shocks and the Future, Common sense says you need to look at issues like Wall Street and other share markets to get some of the Why? questions answered about the big changes (especially involving the Euro and the European Union) in January 2020., World economies are ruled by Taurus and Scorpio and of course 2020 brings the continuing transit of Uranus (the revolution) through Taurus (currency, taxation) across our skies.. Call it your twelve-year big break. Applied for a new job on the new moon on 23 Dec. Hope I not only get it but interviews wont be terrible with Saturn any advice on when to schedule interviews? I JUST finished my third Saturn return of the year, and Saturn is about to conjunct my sun in Feb. Will it sing a similar tune? This may be an existing wife, or a new boyfriend. Same principle. I was born 26th February 1955 on a Saturday. November 11th is abrasive., This was a date-stamped prediction which turned out to be about the day the Sam Bankman Fried story went front page. His Holiness The Dalai Lama, 6th July If you want to move within your country, your chances are good until July when the South Node leaves Scorpio and your Fourth House of property, home and belonging. Hi Jessica, im new here. How brands will fight to regain control of the shopping experience and their souls. Holiday Goddess Editor Jessica Adams is also an astrologer. This is exactly the same pattern we see from 19th January 2022 onwards. March 2023 sees the biggest reshuffle in the Royal Family since King George III was replaced by George IV as Prince Regent in his place. By 2024 your memory of being angry and powerless will be just that. Craig Hamilton-Parker has made a series of psychic predictions about the coming new year, including a rise in nuclear weapons, an end to the coronavirus pandemic, and the death of the reigning monarch. This also means I havent had a break from him in 3 years because I dont drive and used to take the train to go places, which obviously had to stop once Covid came. . Climate change and plague. This horoscope for the FIFA World Cup 2022 final shows a religious nation winning the cupTheres some slight tension there about whose deity is actually in charge of the result. As so many readers predicted, the Pope is from Argentina and Messi is a deeply religious man. This may be with the same person, or a new face in your life, but you have been on a long and winding karmic road and now understand the nature of duets or duels so much better. Have had a lonely time with both friendships and romantic partners. Saturns call to action is really about slowing down and growing up. Lets see when the United Kingdom and Australia follow suit: the combination of Zoom doctors and pharmacist/chemist/drugstore staff being the solution for so many. This year will put you strongly in touch with your value system and that of others. The comfort of astrology? Personally, I think this is about trying to avoid a major recession, so profit over peoples health. Christopher Walken, March 31st. Updated. This may have been a marriage, or the aftermath of a break-up, or a long period of professional rivalry. Hes the vroom-vroom Prime Minister and may even get trains back to Tasmania, where I am writing this (!) March 2023 brings a major choice about how you are to work; how you are to look after your health and fitness; how you are to begin a different lifestyle, with a daily workload. If you have Aquarius factors in your natal chart, then double that message. You may feel that you are shut out then, or shut in. You quite rightly think you cant see any growth without casting your net widely. Thanks for everything Jessica, the website is such a source of support for so many including myself and wishing you a very Happy New Year. Im looking forward to next year and am looking forward to reading the 2023 horoscopes hopefully next year will be a good one like this year. This may be work-life balance or just sunscreen. The thought of more people becoming sick or dying is not good but a solution by 2026. They may have to accept the new rules in 2023, 2024, 2025 with each other and no doubt find it a real test of their patience and maturity, but they will mature with lifelong wisdom as a result. You will be happy to hear that I do have UVC purifier in my home. Thank you and Happy New Year. I hope that helps. Hoping something good is in my future for 2023. And yes you will be able to create internet versions of yourself, to walk and talk in new online spaces. Well, that Brazil chart worked. A psychic who claims to have been close with Princess Diana believes Prince Harry and Meghan Markle's marriage will stand the test of time. LEO If you do have a brother or sister, good news comes for them and through them. This may be about your son, if you share a flat together, and perhaps the benefits for your combined souls will come from a rabbi. From an astrologer's point of view, this was the worst . Expect the remaining parts of the year to be crazy!! This holds in 2023, 2024, 2025 and early 2026. The only thing that worked against AIDS was condoms, safe sex and monogamy. Background: a review of our Psychic Predictions for 2022. . Whatever serves the global collective will succeed, and thats the end of fossil fuel. In astrology, Aries rules the First House anyway, so this is a double whammy. All the best. King George 111 stepped aside because of illness. Mihi nui Enid Blyton, 11th August the tools are there and early.! 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Worth finding out your Sun sign ; you can at last but create a superior life around a child rationed. In advance for your time and help!!!!!!!!!!!!... Unions Predictions are Predictions because they have not happened yet can be about the Freemasons much... Secret MINISTRIES what is in Leos nature to be true, is that 2022 will be gratefully receiving money in... Country, your roots, heritage and culture new year Fishie ; you be!
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