Scams involving false portrayal of NEH employees may come in two forms: an impostor claiming to be an NEH agent who promises cash grants, or an impostor claiming to represent NEHs purchasing office seeking Requests for Proposals from commercial vendors. Many scams, known as Advance Fee Fraud schemes, originate in Nigeria and are known as "Nigerian scams" or "4-1-9" letters after the section of the Nigerian penal code that deals with this type of fraud. You can find more information and tips by following the Division of Consumer Protection on social media on Twitter (@NYSConsumer) and Facebook ( [Spokane] Spokesman Review. Others design websites to mimic a legitimate charitys official site to steal unsuspecting donors' money and/or personal information. Do not fall in with schemes whereby you are required to prepay taxes on lottery winnings, or pay to have a prize shipped to you, or are to be charged a loan application fee. Anytime disasters occur, scam artists prey on the heartstrings of individuals looking to help. Please be aware that NEH does not distribute cash grants as financial assistance and that all current grant offerings can be found at, If someone purporting to be an NEH employee has contacted you through Facebook, please. Do not provide any personal information or send money to anyone claiming to be an NEH employee. The State of New York does not imply approval of the listed destinations, warrant the accuracy of any information set out in those destinations, or endorse any opinions expressed therein. Personal information, account information, payment. The scammer also sends a form requesting personal and financial information. Often these methods use social media accounts of friends or family, creating confusion and using trust to manipulate people into responding. Did you get your checking information yet? Susan's "friend" likely isn't a friend at all, but rather an impersonator looking for someone to take the bait. Receive the latest updates from the Secretary, Blogs, and News Releases. These are not "Fill out a simple form, then cash a huge check" types of propositions; these are "Prove to us that you qualify under this program then, provided you are engaged in the activity we are interested in fostering, we might subsidize some of your costs" sorts of deals. Those who are contacted by such cheats (or who respond to Internet-based advertisements) are told they are entitled to lay claim to government grants worth thousands of dollars. The funds support the highest-priority projects of the best-placed responders (including international and national NGOs and UN agencies) through an inclusive and transparent process that supports priorities set out in Humanitarian Response Plans (HRPs). Grants are awarded on the basis of specific criteria having been met for specific programs. In addition, you may report the incident to NEHs Office of Inspector General at 1-877-786-7598 or via email at@email. Don't miss your chance, as chances like that don't happen very often in our lives! This 2023 fact sheet supplements OFACs 2014 Guidance Related to the Provision of Humanitarian Assistance by Not-for-Profit Non Policy. The Hotline operates from 9:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m., Monday through Friday, except holidays. ", Turns out, Boyd's Facebook account had been hacked by scammers who locked her out, then quickly reached out to try to con her family and friends, who she then had to warn: "Please do not send them anything, and delete yourself off that page. 2. Be wary of your friends taste online: Your friend or family member may have impeccable judgment in real-life. They are bringing hundreds of thousands of daily meals and food kits to over 2,000 distribution sites including recently liberated cities, isolated communities where there is little to no other humanitarian assistance, locations supporting displaced families, and neighborhoods caught in the crossfire of the invasion. Your membership is the foundation of our sustainability and resilience. Disaster survivors and responders can connect with trained DDH crisis workers fluent in ASL by dialing 1-800-985-5990 from a videophone-enabled device or via an ASL Now link which can be accessed at ". Look at the "Contact Us" section. We use data-driven strategies to help cultivate and mobilize grassroots response by connecting networks of various stakeholders and building an ecosystem that promotes sustainable initiatives, while not only keeping true to humanitarian values, but also protecting the environment. OCHA-managed pooled-fund allocations represent a relatively small portion of global humanitarian funding, but they are critical to the delivery of life-saving assistance. Peopleprimarily womenarriving from war-torn countries are more often victims of domestic and sexual violence. In this situation, its wise to recall two adages: 1) If it appears too good to be true, it probably is, and 2) This page is available in other languages. "Don't Get Stimulated by a Scam." CBPF are set up for complex emergencies. If your partner hurts or controls you, or you are unsafe in your relationship, you can contact the NYS Domestic and Sexual Violence Hotline by calling 1-800-942-6906, texting 1-844-997-2121, or chatting online at How do you know if the grant offer is legitimate or a scam? The company told us it has "a dedicated team helping to detect and block these kinds of scams," and has "developed several techniques" to stop the abuse. This Grant Kit could put thousands of dollars in your pocket. If you need a 24-hour Crisis Text Line: Text GOT5 to 741741 to connect with a crisis counselor. Those inquisitive enough to dial those 800 numbers find they either go unanswered or have been disconnected. Please contact the FBI at so that the scammers can be tracked and stopped. Scammers say they have received a large amount of money from the program after sending in a small transaction fee. > Programs for Families and Children New York State Stands with Ukraine: Resources for Ukrainians and How New Yorkers Can Help, Local Guide to Welcoming Resources: New York and New Jersey, ONA Webinar: National, State and Local Resources to Assist Ukrainian Arrivals to New York State and Their Sponsors, On August 12, 2022, the NYS Office for New Americans hosted a webinar on the topic of National, State and Local Resources to Assist Ukrainian Arrivals to New York State and Their Sponsors. This webinar featured presenters and resources from the NYS Office of Temporary and Disability Assistance. But more than half of victims say they were contacted online through websites, e-mail, social media and more. "No way should they be. With money available immediately, relief organizations can jump-start activities in sudden-onset emergencies, scale-up and expand assistance when a situation suddenly deteriorates, and keep critical assistance going in crises that fail to attract sufficient resources. Computer expert Gary Miliefsky set up a way to track the scammers' location: he built a page that looks like a money transfer company's website, but really finds a computer's unique IP location. [Swindler] Bryan, you don't want the $8,000? [Swindler] Again, my name is Alec Watson from the Las Vegas Government Grant Processing Center. As to how the con is run, one of our readers who was contacted by someone intent upon victimizing him with the 'government grant' scheme reported this exchange: [Swindler] My name is Alec Watson. OCHA coordinates global humanitarian funding appeals and manages global and country-specific humanitarian response funds. She said that she got a $500,000 dollar grant but I just can't believe that it's legit, Susan said. If you receive a Facebook message from someone claiming to have a grant for you from CDFA, or someone who appears to be a 4. If the grant isn't on the list, it's probably a scam. WebDRC Libya is looking to recruit a qualified, flexible professional to work in Benghazi as a Protection Assistant Legal Assistance to implement DRC legal activities including legal awareness sessions and information dissemination, legal counselling, and other related tasks for Libyan and non-Libyan populations in need of humanitarian assistance. Claim: Scam: Advertisements offer thousands of dollars of "free money" available in the form of government grants. And it wasn't just the fake Deborah Boyd account: we found what appears to be a network of fake Facebook profiles offering grants, from $50,000 to $1,000,000 -- all while assuring us it wasn't a scam. WebOn average, humanitarian crises are more complex than at any time in the last 15 years, and last nearly three years longer than they used to. Just visit to get started. WebThe United States Agency for International Development (USAID) is an independent agency of the U.S. federal government that is primarily responsible for administering civilian foreign aid and development assistance.With a budget of over $27 billion, USAID is one of the largest official aid agencies in the world and accounts for more than half of all U.S. The National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH), a federal grantmaking agency, is committed to suppressing several ongoing scam attempts being perpetrated In additional to the [web] sites, several e-mail frauds having to do with the stimulus package have been reported to the [Federal Trade Commission]. Unexpected checks from Lions and/or LCIF that look legitimate, including correct routing numbers. [Swindler] Can you tell me what your bank routing number is? 3. [Bryan] Speaking. OCHA also ensures more responsive, predictable and strategic humanitarian financing through its leadership of the Central Emergency Response Fund (CERF) and Country-Based Pooled Funds (CBPFs) for the humanitarian system. Facebook's stock has fallen below $30 for the first time. Looking ahead, emergency financial assistance under the Rapid Credit Facilitys new food shock window will help address urgent balance-of-payments needs and mitigate the impact of elevated food prices. WebIf you or someone you know is in need of protection as a refugee or through a humanitarian program, it is recommended that you seek the assistance of a licensed immigration consultant or lawyer who specializes in this area. If you are in need of a financial assistance, you may qualify for a piece of the millions and millions of dollars awarded each year by private and government grant agencies to regular people like you. WebPRM funding in the region focuses on three primary objectives: 1) provision of humanitarian assistance; 2) capacity building; and 3) diplomatic engagement with governments throughout the region to advocate for protection-sensitive migration management. CERF and CBPF allocations are designed to complement other humanitarian funding sources, such as bilateral funding. Or they were promised access to little-known and almost-forgotten college grants. WebGrants Since its creation in 1965, NEH has awarded more than $5.6 billion for humanities projects through more than 64,000 grants. HHS offers 95 benefit assistance programs, mostly through grantees at the State and local levels. 5. USAIDs Bureau for Humanitarian Assistance is the U.S. government lead for international disaster assistance, reaching tens of millions of people around the world each year with life-saving aid. We work to ensure that this assistance reaches people affected by natural disastersincluding hurricanes, earthquakes, and volcanoesas well as slow-onset crises, such as drought and conflict. Visit a provider in your area that can assist you with: Learn more about refugee services and assistance for immigrants. [Bryan] Why can't you subtract the money from the grant? There are development programmes vital to the countries of the global south. Do not pay someone for the privilege of working for them. Any of the following statements should put you on high alert: " Great news! WebUSAID partners with NGOs to deliver assistance across all regions and sectors in which we work and to promote inclusive economic growth, strengthen health and education at the community level, support civil society in democratic Sure enough, she claimed she got a $50,000 grant and said we could get one, too: it wasn't a loan, and we wouldn't have to pay it back. harnessing the power of communities, we work diligently, with all stakeholders in the community to build a network of information, that helps drive strategies and address the communities immediate needs; We work closely with the needs of the various stakeholders to be able to build sustainable solutions and strategies that are accepted by the host community and the refugee population. If you receive calls, emails, or other communications claiming to be from the Treasury Department and offering COVID-19 related grants or stimulus payments in exchange for personal financial information, or an advance fee, or charge of any kind, including the purchase of gift cards, please do not respond. U.S. agencies have 30 days to remove TikTok from federal devices, Data stolen from 37 million T-Mobile customers. To find out if you are eligible for any of these programs, visit the WebDonate to legitimate and efficient charities aiding those affected by the ongoing humanitarian crisis in Yemen. Read more about our early recovery, risk reduction, and resilience (ER4) work around the world. 20 October 2004 (p. B7). CERF receives contributions year round from donors mainly Governments, but also foundations, companies, charities and individuals into a single global fund. CERF continues to support life-savingemergency response activities in South Sudan. How the IMF is Promoting Transparent and Accountable Use of COVID-19 Financial Assistance Short-term Liquidity Line (SLL) IMF Stand-By Arrangement (SBA) IMF Rapid Credit Facility (RCF) The IMF's Rapid Financing Instrument (RFI) Catastrophe Containment and Relief Trust IMF Capacity Development More The trauma associated with war can make it particularly difficult for survivors to seek help, but you are not alone. Since early 2009 we have seen seen a marked increase in the prevalence of "government grant" scams, many of which are promoted as offering funds made available to the public through the economic stimulus package recently passed by the U.S. Congress. Credit: OCHA/G. A financial advisor could help you put a charitable plan together to benefit the causes you care most about. First published on July 10, 2017 / 7:47 AM. "Its a website called and supposedly they're giving out free grants, she said. It won't call, it won't text, and it won't reach out on social media. Our continuous goal is to empower the community to take leadership roles in building solutions. The Department of the Treasury's Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) has issued a humanitarian assistance fact sheet, Supplemental Guidance for the Provision of Humanitarian Assistance. Copyright 2021 Scripps Media, Inc. All rights reserved. To prevent donation money from falling into the wrong hands, the New York State Division of Consumer Protection recommends taking the following precautions: If you suspect that you have encountered a fraudulent attempt to receive donations, you can file a complaint with the New York State Division of Consumer Protection at (Female with a Indian or Pakistan accent.). However, all consular services which require receiving documents from Ukraine, including issuance of new passports and visa services, have been suspended until further notice. Do you think that a cost of $257 is worth receiving $8,000? So what happens when a person you think is a Facebook "friend" turns out to be someone else? This material may not be reproduced without permission. To find out, "CBS This Morning" set up our own fake account on Facebook, and contacted Boyd's imposter. But if we were able to track them, what about Facebook? Cortes. WebCall 1-800-566-7636 for assistance. We will always be with you. More people are falling victim to schemes by con artists who hack Facebook profiles of friends and family and try to rip you off. The DRC Humanitarian Fund has funded critical education and health projects in South Kivu, DR Congo. Credit: OCHA/G. A professor at MIT. The scammer also sends a form requesting personal and financial information. That's down 20 percent since its stock began trading publicly on May 18, following one of the most anticipated stock offerings in history. Treasury Inspector General for Tax Administration. NEH does not use Facebook or text to contact individuals concerning grant awards. 9. [Bryan] North Island Financial Credit Union. That's a better offer than any bank will ever provide you. Scam: Advertisements offer thousands of dollars of "free money" available in the form of government grants. The hoops to be jumped through are many and varied, and there is precious little by way of a freebie to it. You are eligible to receive a government grant. " Budget, Financial Reporting, Planning and Performance, Financial Markets, Financial Institutions, and Fiscal Service, Treasury Coupon-Issue and Corporate Bond Yield Curve, Treasury International Capital (TIC) System, Kline-Miller Multiemployer Pension Reform Act of 2014, Taxpayers Will See Improved Service This Filing Season Thanks to Inflation Reduction Act, Disparities in the Benefits of Tax Expenditures by Race and Ethnicity, Racial Differences in Economic Security: Non-Housing Assets, Treasury Targets DPRK Actors Illicitly Generating Revenue Abroad, U.S. Treasury Announces New Funding and Financial Services Headed to Underserved Communities, Preliminary Report on Foreign Holdings of U.S. Securities at End-June 2022, Remarks by Under Secretary for Domestic Finance Nellie Liang at the Atlantic Council on the Next Steps in the Future of Money and Payments, Remarks by Secretary of the Treasury Janet L. Yellen at Bilateral Meeting with Prime Minister of Ukraine Denys Shmyhal, Remarks by Secretary of the Treasury Janet L. Yellen at Wreath Laying Ceremony in Kyiv, Ukraine, RT @TreasuryDepSec: At our roundtable with @BlkEconAlliance today, @SBAIsabel @RepNikema and I heard from business leaders about ways the f, RT @TreasuryDepSec: I'm in Atlanta this week with @SBAIsabel and @DepSecTodman to highlight some of the historic investments @USTreasury @S, Form 941, employer's quarterly federal tax return, Report Fraud or Misconduct Related to Government Contracts or Grants, The Multiemployer Pension Reform Act of 2014. WebThe Ocean Freight Reimbursement (OFR) Program provides small competitive grants to approximately 50 U.S. 2017 CBS Interactive Inc. All Rights Reserved. Please let me talk to a supervisor. Assistance is available in over 200 languages, including Ukrainian and Russian. Levine, Steve. Humanitarian Assistance Program is an initiative providing comprehensive services, including strategic and on-ground support to government, humanitarian actors and agencies working for/in humanitarian crises. Because it's not me.". OCHA aims to mobilize and engage the full range of financing instruments, mechanisms and partners to ensure that growing humanitarian needs are met, humanitarian leadership and coordination mechanisms are promoted at the country level, and the large array of global humanitarian financing mechanisms are complementary among themselves and coherent with development funding. The authorities are committed to using resources transparently and intend to channel US$20 million of the disbursement through the existing systems of trusted development partners to provide immediate humanitarian assistance that We would like to verify your information. This partnership is designed to mobilize private-sector donations and individual giving to support relief organizations aiding those impacted by Russias actions. The Divisions Consumer Assistance Hotline is open Monday to Friday, excluding State holidays, 8:30am to 4:30pm at 1-800-697-1220. "Scam Uses Phone to Get 'Up-Front Fees.'" Private Voluntary Organizations (PVOs) each year, allowing recipients to ship a wide variety of goods overseas for use in privately funded development and humanitarian assistance programs. A quick search using Google Images turned up the truth: the photos are real, but those people don't offer grants. "Agencies Warn of Grant Scheme." Not only do we save lives, we look to improve the lives of those vulnerable to or affected by crisis, unconditionally and impartially, so that all whom we serve are treated with dignity and respect. The authorities commitment to work with international partners to ensure that part of the disbursement will provide immediate 22 October 2004 (p. B16). WROC-TV [Rochester]. [Bryan] Please remove me from your calling list. Why would I get a grant for $8,000? WebIn this scam, random people befriend you on Facebook and send you messages informing you about a new federal grant such as the DHHS Financial Program that allows you to If you receive calls, emails, or other communications claiming to be from the Treasury Department and offering COVID-19 related grants or stimulus payments in exchange for personal financial information, or an advance fee, or charge of any kind, including the purchase of gift cards, please do not respond. If you need 24-Hour Phone Support: You can contact the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) Disaster Distress Helpline by calling 1-800-985-5990. For one, chatting with an Amazon customer service rep through its site guarantees you are reaching an employee. Experts warn smart toys could be collecting user data that might be sold, City admits data on 460,000 residents lost after night out drinking. The U.S. Government does not telephone people to offer them grants. Federal government websites often end in .gov or .mil. Mostly they are the products of individual scammers who smell an opportunity to cash in using the name of a victim who may or may not even be real. Buffalo News. Learn about government grants and loans for states and organizations. $50 can provide enough food to keep 3 children from going hungry for a month Give Light and the People Will Find Their Own Way. Stay informed with alerts, newsletters, and notifications from the Identity Theft Resource Center. Emails or messages from individuals you know saying they are New York State has a 24 hour crisis hotline for survivors of domestic and sexual violence. One declined to comment, but the other expressed shock when we told her. 21 July 2004 (6 p.m. broadcast). The ONA provides a variety of free support services to all immigrants and refugees in New York State, regardless of status, such as: Visit the Office for New Americans website. The pop-up charity business is usually local, occasionally regional and rarely national. If you receive a message about this program, do not respond because it is a Federal Government Empowerment Money Grant Program scam. "I was on Messenger and my friend's name came up," she told CBS News correspondent Anna Werner. Get browser notifications for breaking news, live events, and exclusive reporting. Other fraud schemes have originated in Cote Is a fee involved? They can provide guidance on the application process and help you understand your options. OCHA helps drive humanitarian action by encouraging new, more effective funding and financing mechanisms that respond to and reflect the changing nature of humanitarian crises. All NYC Care services are provided through NYC Health + Hospitals. In this May 16, 2012 photo, the Facebook logo is displayed on an iPad in Philadelphia. (Such advertisers are vending books containing the contact information for a variety of government grants, loans, and subsidies.) But Deborah Boyd says she has never been able to get back into her old profile, which has a lot of family photos and memories that she'd like to have back. The site is secure. WebThis humanitarian assistance provides vulnerable people emergency food assistance, safe drinking water, hygiene supplies, shelter, protection from violence and exploitation, and work and education opportunities. Or they received the news they'd won fabulous wealth in foreign lotteries they had no recollection of entering. "Russians use malware, the Chinese use malware. Grant applications are usually free as they are sourced at the federal or state/county level with public funds. (I never answer in an affirmative manner anymore. [Bryan] Well, if you're charging me $257 then it isn't free, now is it? Visit the Ukraine Crisis page on the State Departments website. USAID is ramping up humanitarian assistance to help people affected by Russias invasion of Ukraine. Please enter valid email address to continue. There are two types of pooled funds: CERF, which can cover emergencies anywhere in the world, and CBPF, which cover crises in specific countries. Home CARE. Be Aware of False Claims of NEH Grant Winners and False Requests for Proposals, The National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH), a federal grantmaking agency, is committed to suppressing several ongoing scam attempts being perpetrated through Facebook, texting, telephone, email, and other mediums. BANGKOK, Feb 21 2023 (IPS) - Nearly 18 million people about one-third of Myanmars population need humanitarian aid this year because of civil war and the post-coup economic crisis, according to the latest United Nations estimates. All she had to do was provide some personal information, then send $1,500 in fees, to get up to $100,000 in grant money. Take a look at where we work. early recovery, risk reduction, and resilience (ER4). Wyoming Tribune-Eagle "BBB Warns Local Consumers About Government Grant Scam." Washington, D.C. 20201 1995 - 2023 by Snopes Media Group Inc. To access a link to the recording, please visit: Some of these schemes misuse our name or falsely claim to be affiliated with the World Bank Group. These are scams. Domestic and Sexual Violence Crisis Hotline. This ensures that resource mobilization and financing are handled collectively and are based on a thorough needs evaluation, making aid more effective, efficient and predictable. 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