I think he forgot Whose ministry it was. Hoping you come back and teach a book of the Bible. Be kind not hurtful. They are not calmly declining either. Its messy. That is just so day to know that people are leaving churches. I chose to believe the Bible and Gods promises. Thank you and thank Lina. I am sorry that you experienced this fear. Too many of these large churches have lost track of what their true purpose is. Also I Cor. I love this idea! It helps to be able to talk about it instead of feeling like you have to hide it, or just deal with it. It truly is the Lords work. We have seen this very truth of Jesus teaching publicly demonstrated by Mancow and many other witnesses. first Bill Hybels. Fear. Hes my brother in Christ. Rita, be encouraged. Over the summer, they agreed to try to make a joint statement and start the process of relational reconciliation, the Harvest elders said, but the efforts didnt pan out. For me, I live with the regret of not taking advantage of the opportunity to come over and get to know you. Others had old wounds that had resurfaced and were hurting, having never felt closure to their stories, Abujamra, a Bible teacher and Moody Radio host, wrote on her blog. Can you please contact me from the Contact button on my web page here? Are you straining at a gnat but swallowing a camel? than submission to leaders He kept going back to you disobeyed the pastor so youre wrong (me in this case for talking to the youth and his mom about it after it happened). Its been over a year and a lot has changed at Harvest and a lot sill needs to change. I didnt want to risk any negative impacts on my own growing ministry. All why surrounding himself w/yes men. He stomped his questioners. If the church treated Lina this way, they will do it to you and others without a second thought. The good intentions of our ministry partnership with Harvest Chicago have been overshadowed by these developments, he said. Thank You for writing your blog. I asked my surgeon why the procedure is called radical, he replied that even the seminal vesicles have to be removed along with the prostate, otherwise the cancer may return! Still. Just goes to show, pride goeth before a fall. Hi Lina. 12:18) as while working through this year-and-half-long process of transition. The reason there are spiritual Pol Pots that number in the thousands like our friend James McDonald is because men are happy to give themselves authority. Sometimes they will require being nice. I wont make that mistake again. If you read the history and understand the public record of offenses at Harvest (with many more than the requisite two or three witnesses), you will understand why this is not only completely justified, but actually necessary to the restoration of healing and good order to Christs Body. I feared offending people. We talked with two deacons and the assistant pastor. Gosh, so many similarities with the HBC action. Nothing will change at Harvest if the cancer of fear is not exposed . @Ross, Were you able to access it? Thank you Lina, In keeping with our past private statements to Harvests leadership and to our pastorsThe primary issue is not reconciliation or peacemaking, it is repentance, GCC elders said in a January 17 statement. Typical gossips and power struggles are only the surface. Harvest and MacDonald had a contentious separation last year, when he lost the position he held for 30 years over inappropriate comments and harmful conduct stemming from his legal battle with people investigating the church. God is using this to grow me as he does in all trials, so for that Im grateful. I speak as one who has gone thru it, like you. This post drips of mercy. Linas testimoney is encouraging. While I am personally removed from the situation, my brother and sister-in-law attend a Harvest Church and there has been a lot of pain through all of this. Sign up for our newsletter: I do have cds and dvd of contemporary Christian artists. I should have left that week, but I was too afraid to cause damage to Jesus and His kingdom and the women I was leading at that time. [] While only a handful showed up, the range of their pain was wide. The confidence I hang on to today is that whether I am approved or critiqued for this opinion, it is Christs love that will catch me and his arms that will continue to sustain me when I close my eyes at the end of each new day. Theres a difference between stirring the pot and exposing false teachers as the Scriptures instruct us to do. Publicizing viewpoints rejected by the elder majority for any reason is satanic to the core. And I do want to state that MANY of us have made every effort to address the problems prior to leaving. The culture of fear, intimidation, and secrecy has poisoned not just Rolling Meadows and its campuses, but also trickled down through the fellowship. Saying he had hit a "wall of exhaustion" in June, Lead Ministry Pastor Greg Bradshaw said he is not only leaving Harvest, but also the ministry. Yet, with the growing numbers leaders, it is coming out, many followed along with James out of fear to personal, family, career damage. Rather, God is shaking the junkall of our junkout of His Church. These are the same elders that signed off on James filing the law suit against the Ryan Mahoney and his wife, Scott Bryant and his wife, and Julie Roys! On February 13th, the elders at HBC fired MacDonald, citing highly inappropriate recorded comments made by Pastor MacDonald that were given to media the day before. The church, which has a weekly attendance of more than 12,000 at its seven campuses, is also associated with Vertical Worship, Harvest Christian Academy (HCA), and MacDonalds Walk in the Word TV and radio ministry. Its who you are! I am so glad Lina has spoken up. Show how we come together as one in the body of Christ! Is the founding pastor subject to accountability structures? , The elders of Harvest stand behind [Pastor MacDonalds] character and integrity without reservation. Further, Nellie, I am glad that you missed out on being a victim of the authoritarian rule that grew, without check, in the once fertile soil of a formerly great ministry. Opt out of mega church? Another blind believer. The caller alleged (in vulgar terms) that Roys, the reporter, was having an affair with Christianity Todayseditor-in-chief Mark Galli, andmade a comment about bringing down former Christianity Today CEO down by remotely uploading child pornography onto his computers. From elders (Dave Corning, Jon Gaus, The Elephant Debt etc) to nobodies one by one we were all ignored and in many cases bullied. I hope to become braver. Gordon Zwirkoski, a former Harvest elder and the original director of HBF, told Roys that James MacDonald essentially wields ultimate authority at the church and cultivates a spirit of fear in the staff. Former Harvest employee Dave Jones says his church has welcomed dozens of Harvest refugees who show signs of spiritual abuse and are disillusioned.. This pastor couldnt have been more wrong. Less well known was that these individuals agreed to leave Harvest aloneto stop publicly criticizing the churchin exchange for a promise that the current elder board would enact changes. Women are not silenced: This model is not original and is old but it is appropriate for the megachurch and also for the persecuted church. Therefore, we are at our most open to hurt. Thank you for this post. Thank you for being honest and speaking truth. It is so sad when the devil works to cause problems in a church. Not cool to kick people when they are down. Long story short he kicked my husband and I out of the church. Sometimes being good will also mean being nice, but sometimes it will not. Mike was genuinely shocked when we told him our son had Paxton as a camp counselor for whole week at Camp Harvest and we never received notice as HBC falsely told Daily Herald. You too felt you had to leave Harvest and what was your point of conviction on having to leave the Church ,that we all sacrificed so much for! Thank you. The assistant pastor just tried to deflect and justify the pastors actions. The question is with independent churches who did they answer to? Again I dont blame James MacDonald. Subscribe to CT I will pray for healing in the hearts and lives of those affected by this tragedy. That is who God truly cares about. Ken Morgan so you continue to deny the evidence for a creator by your superior intellect ? Harvest numbers 13,000 attendees across seven locations, and the church began affiliating with the Southern Baptist Convention in 2015. A former youth pastor for Harvest Bible Chapel in Aurora has been charged with the sexual exploitation of a 16-year-old boy on allegations he sought nude pictures of the boy and repeatedly. I was too afraid to ask her why. Often it was the leadership that lost track and influenced the group. In his remarks this week, he says he confessed his relational failings multiple times, but still lost longtime friends and ministry partners to Harvests narrative. The small church that I and my family left was a textbook case in spiritual abuse. In announcing MacDonalds termination, Harvest elders stated they are committed to fulfilling our fiduciary duty as the leadership of this congregation, knowing that at times the outcome may be misunderstood or emotionally painful. So often, you would open your home to us. We are to find our faith and hope in the Message, not the messenger. Hearing these stories has helped me to realize I left just when I was supposed to. Witnesses say MacDonald was angry that the photo was still on display. (Matthew 12:33-37). You have every right to speak up; and I respect you for doing so. Thank you Lina! My heart breaks for the ones who will walk away from church and walk away from God. With Gossip of the Gospel, the Church Grows in Nepal. Different situations require different things. Roys article details three examples of actions that former Harvest employees say reveal MacDonalds hot-tempered, vengeful personality. These patterns were present and recognized as early as 2012, and nothing was done about them. Praying for a healing and refocus of all Gods churches, Mary, But I hope the healing can begin, and I hope the abuse will stop.. This Is a Revival Season Sean Feucht Announces 7 Days of Prayer on Capitol Hill, The Chosen, Candace Cameron Bure, Dolly Parton Win at This Years Movieguide Awards, Christian High School Girls Basketball Team Forfeits Tourney Spot Due to Trans Opponent, Tickets for SatanCon 2023, The Largest Satanic Gathering in History, Sell Out. Your willingness to sit down over a cup of coffee in your home with women of God and get real about our hurts, our fears, our dreams, or whatever is going on in our lives. Do you remember how Jesus acted towards the money changers and false shepherds? We never gave up on God because He never gives up on us. Linas post is still available on other mediums, I imagine if she wanted to link it she would have. My experience was decades ago and in another state. May God be glorified through this. I so agree with your cancer analogy as it relates to Harvest. Sunday Service-10:15 AM/Wed. Will James not wake up and realize that the Church of Jesus Christ is not the organization or nonprofits we create, but the men and women that God calls and saves by the sacrifice of His Son? No wonder Harvest dropped the suit. We too would pray and fast and seek the Lord as to what it was we could have done wrong as not one person from the church we had attended for years cared to find out where we were at. Do you realize the elders are already choosing to step down? I loved that about you. I regret staying at Harvest after that meeting with the elders. First, they resigned, along with a third elder (who was not excommunicated only because he also left Harvest and was no longer a member), in protest of how the church was being run. You have to leave before you can see clearly. This man is a smooth deceiver and believes his own lies. Finally, we have landed at a church with a passion for others, our hearts have healed and by going there I was introduced to your bible study Resolved. It completed my healing. Wake up this tragedy has been in the works a long time. I dont take joy in this situation, but I rejoice in the truth. Then, he was fired, according to the Daily Herald, a suburban Chicago newspaper. You are a fraud and a liar! I hope they succeed in bringing people back to the church! Thank you Yahweh. The recognizing date of the exempt status is April, 1972. In the midst of efforts to reconcile with longtime critics, Harvest Bible Chapel fired its founder and senior pastor James MacDonald for engaging in conduct contrary and harmful to the best interests of the church.. In any case, we had a final meeting with the pastor and his assistant pastor (who was his son-in-law) to tell them that I was leaving their church. Lauren Boebert And Marjorie Greene's Adult "So Your Problem with Christianity is the Jesus No, the "Second Shift" Isn't Feminism's Fault. It is a cry to the current leadership, to evangelicalism at large that there are some very serious problems that need to be dealt with. Truth is healthy. Notify me by email when the comment gets approved. So now, I tell the truth about what happened, and it isnt only a Pastor James problem. He invitedme to go when we first started dating. I would recommend A book Joy Starts Here and The Pandora Problem Facing Narcissism in Leaders & Ourselves as helpful to possibly understand how whats happened can be explained and perhaps bring healing and prevention as members move forward. I continue to pray for the people this has affected, the elders and pastors, and that the darkness will be continually exposed to the light. This all happens when we gather, grow and go together as followers of Jesus. So are you saying that there is mind control of the underling staff and of the rank and file members going on at HBC? Nellie, Secrest, who founded the church in 2016 and affiliated with Harvest last September, said he didnt know at the time about the ongoing concerns raised about MacDonalds leadership and the churchs financial status, which led to Harvests lawsuit last year. I was just starting out at Harvest in September of 2011. If you personally were not in a position to be damaged by James, do not judge those who were susceptible to the wrath damage of James. Lina did try to have a conversation with the Elders before she left Harvest. The problem was not simply Harvest messaging, but also the teachings that made such messagingmake sense. Churches Still Depend on Clergy Housing Allowance, No Celebrities Except Jesus: How Asbury Protected the Revival. Pastor was not happy and tried to convince us that we were wrong. Thank you for your courage. Others have asked, but immediately defend the senior pastor and church. I have had similar experiences at The Chapel . Its by an unbeliever, but wow, is it eye-opening. Harvest Bible Chapel has fired its founder and senior pastor James MacDonald following years of controversial behavior, financial scandal and allegations of bullying and intimidation. The bloggers began posting again, however, in 2017, around the same time that Harvest Bible Fellowship was dissolved in 2017, due in part to concerns by some some member churches about how Harvest was managing the fellowships finances. Sheila, we are not called to be good, we are called to be HOLY! May Our Lord guide all of us and May His will be done above all else. Did you realize elders and pastors are personally apologizing g to people? We dont know if He will allow Harvest not to crumble. Not everything needs to be about Polititcs. After telling us that the elder board always made every decision by full consent, we learned that the former head of the elder board found out about major church initiatives from his seat in the congregation. Sadly, this cancer has spread to other churches that were once part of the fellowship. []. These three men had then joined six other former eldersthese men had all left Harvest entirelyin writing and sending a letter to the current elder board raising concerns about MacDonalds leadership. He is not being bullied. 34You brood of vipers, how can you, being evil, speak what is good? I never understood why they saw him the way they do. But if they submit to the Healer, they will come out stronger. I pray to our Father who loves us all that His truth and reconciliation and peace, healing abounds in this circumstance. This decision was made with heavy hearts and much time spent in earnest prayer, followed by input from various trusted outside advisors.. Thank you for having the courage to write what you did and for your ministry Lina. I agree with Nellie. You are absolutely right about the fear! This woman sounds sincere. Go figure..Disappointed, Searching for a new study close by. I pray others in leadership read your post, check their hearts, and follow suit. My daughter had been bullied by both Luke and James, in the presence of other adults, several times over her years in the youth group and yet I did not leave. I grew up catholic and vever really got a hold of it all. I dont understand how anyone could watch that video and not immediately know that something was very, very wrong. Lina I couldnt agree more with everything you said and your comment here. When you started, you (and others) mentioned the cult of personality that James benefitted from. The church is to be a living organism for the cause of Christ and no other. Blessings to you! God the Holy Spirit wanted Lina to speak more specifically at this time; and she did. Thoughts from a person looking in. Now that these differences with MacDonald have come to resolution, our focus and full attention are on the future of Harvest Bible Chapel, they said. Then God led him to Harvest Bible Chapel. How long will we wait to begin the healing process within ourselves and between each other? In October, the church reported its chief information officer to police for suspected embezzlement. My father went through prostate cancer. A Florida Lawyer Argues That a Pregnant Inmates Unborn Child Is Being Illegally Detained, Experts Predict the Ozone Layer Will Fully Heal Within 40 Years, The Biblical Reasons for Going Low Waste, The Spiritual Toll of Americas Food Waste Epidemic, The Buffalo Supermarket Shooter Has Been Sentenced to Life in Prison. Lina, My wife and I also left our church several years ago. I hate to be James because God judges leadership harsher than the regular sinner. There is mind control of the underling staff and of the exempt status is April, 1972 Herald! This man is a smooth deceiver and believes His own lies, according to the core a gnat swallowing. 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