lines formed a shape and it was a pentagram. If the colinear edges are joined together a pentagram is produced. go from my life line and end at my life line and include my health line , for those who can not see , I am sorry about the picture quality. aprox 10 healer lines in both hands You will get a pizza shape. The Hand of the Mysteries goes by many other names, including the Hand of the Philosopher, the Hand of the Master Mason, and the Emblematic Hand of Mysteries. Your email address will not be published. A persons hands in particular can be an accurate indicator of his or her destiny in work, love and life in general. Covid vaccines are the leading cause of coincidence worldwide, 10 myths told by COVID experts and now debunked, Biden says: -I may be a White boy, but I'm not stupid-. Marvel at your perfect (we hope!) They take away the strength and deplete the positive energy of the line or mount they are found on. Read More All related (33) Sort It is considered as one of the most dangerous signs in palmistry because the sudden explosion in the brain makes a person lose his or her logical bent of mind. But I dont know is it my right way? Oh , no I do not have any other crosses or circles or traingles in that hand , They can signify a difficult or not so privileged upbringing. Here's what a palm guru site online says: Pentagram" - A very rare marking formed by the confluence of the Head Line, Life Line, Fate Line and Money Line, which clearly marks the sign of a Pentagram in the palm of the hand. Toes slightly in and heels out. Many Many who have asked for my take have, based on their personal subjective experience, psychology and beliefs, their own specific very personal version of what their pentagram symbol means for them. I have combined all of your techniques and tried reading my friends hand and I was quite successful. I am right-handed. 10 Middle Finger. They can also signify beginnings or hindrances, with respect to lifes ventures. Why is it called an Apollo star? In addition to these mains, the palm is mottled with innumerable facet lines. As recently as few months ago, a clear star sign with a line circling the left half of the star has emerged on the mount of Sun. Triangles are very lucky markings and indicate success. A 'pentangle', 'star pentagon', or 'pentalpha' means the same thing. Even the really short one will help you dispel myths and start moving forward in your life. But, a star appearing on the lifeline can represent a huge turmoil. Heres the link to my palm pic: How would you interpret the presence of a star of apollo and ring of apollo on the same hand? Hi, Dots can represent concerns about ill health, relationships or another type of destructive experience.? While you can also have true friends, you may find it difficult to distinguish which are true and which are out only to use you. Only the fingerprints dont change (soul psychology). It's quite a rare line formation, and is considered a "Gift Marker", indicating a tremendous talent that needs to be used. Step 9. You are not a person to be trifled with, and you tend to have little patience with frivolity. judged me as far as knowing what I know. Childrens hands are changing all the time and often reflect issues going on in the parents lives. Do not confuse these lines with sister lines. A 5-pointed star has one point facing downward and four points facing upward to create a shape similar to an asterisk (*). For example, spatulate finger tips. Real-time updates and all local stories you want right in the palm of your hand. What do you think this means right now? Indu, go for it. When The Star Is On The Luna Mount It starts from the reading of palm lines. While you can rise up in the ranks when it comes to your work and your career, you do not have to sacrifice family life to get there. its just kinda weird hehe, Hey there, I just joined this website as a google search brought me to this thread. Pentagram - A 5 pointed star. How to Cut a Five-Pointed Star. My apollo mount has two parallel lines going upwards, the left longer line of which forms a k-symbol, like a v rotated 90 degrees clockwise and attached to the right of the long line. This is believed to be good fortune bestowed on the individual. La 5 pointed star or tips, is a type of graphic that is part of a writing style recognized worldwide. However, a star appearing on the life line can represent turmoil. it and if it had some meaning or something. Apart from this, you are also intelligent, wise or even quick-minded by nature. Thats a star-like formation underneath the ring finger. If they cut through a horizontal line, it is an indication that an individual has conquered trials and tribulations. Pentagrams are linked to love; the pentagram of Venus is the path pattern of the planet Venus as she orbits through the heavens. These five points are supposed to represent elements of the Earth and spirituality. But the reason I feel compelled to comment (and inquire) today is because I have a two-year-old grandson who has this gift marker and Im wondering regarding your thoughts on that what to do with creative gift markers on children so young. Stars on the palm usually indicate success and good fortune in the area they appear. All Rights Reserved. You should do tests on private browsing mode. Then answer this.. Hi i see a star like formation but not sure whether it is a star can you confirm? The mark appears as an eight-pointed star underneath the base of your ring finger. In your dream you may have. Or a rounded flame-like fire shape hand. Generally, hands and/or fingers are associated with creativity, power, war, etc., and many death-related superstitions naturally involve the hand (s). Browse in private with Firefox, Chrome and Safari. 6 Pointed CITY MARSHAL Badge. star in back of rt. Comparatively rare in classical heraldry, it was notably introduced for the flag of the United States in the Flag Act of 1777 and since has become widely used in flags.. Also, they may relate to experiences in a person?s love life. I am trying to attach the image. Richard Unger of the International Institute of hand Analysis,,, I live as an artist and I do also hand analyses for friends for free. Would you volunteer to leave earth with Aliens? But Im not famed or wealthy. Thanks. They can be indicators of how one is handling their spiritual side of life and mental state of being. As i explained since several years with little people attention. Many many thanks, It would support your intuition about him. I am a writer. This pose improves your circulation and respiration by opening up your chest and realigning your spine. I used a pointed marker and traced the dominant lines on my hand and took a picture. Sometimes there are Venus girdles that add other spurs to make an 8 pointed star I have not been able to find an answer to this palmistry question, anywhere. Work against having such an attitude, because shunning the wrong person often gets you into trouble. One common use of the five-point star as a tattoo is the nautical star. To learn more about Palmistry, visit the Palmistry Room. Some marks can depict emotional or mental issues or even health problems. The stars have varied auspicious or inauspicious implications subject to the location on the palm but mostly auspicious. This sign means that you are a smart individual who has a good understanding of leading and management qualities. Hi! This all sounds so exciting and fun! Super Computer head line. More about the different spurs of the star and what they mean. if i had the time, i wud upload the pic. 2 Draw a straight line at an upward angle to the left. If sun line has a crossing downward line but has a star on the other side if there is a line arising from inbetween first and second finger and goes a star near or close to sun or appolo line and a line is crossing it a line that arises from in between the finger and goes horizontally around palm Hello, I have a star on my palm just above my wrist between my fate line and my life line. Please note:The star should not be too small or too big where the electric light or energy produced by the star formation becomes extremely high to handle the ambitions. Star formation on the major lines is always considered as a bad sign. Its between head line and life line and its connected to head line. Some features of ATS will be disabled while you continue to use an ad-blocker. Ive had it since ever I was 16. What does this mean? You seem to have a high level and become successful in specific fields. look at the post on Saturn stars for the full meaning, its about connecting people to what they need.. Hi Jena, This can cause misfortune. The opinions of our members are not those of site ownership who maintains strict editorial agnosticism and simply provides a collaborative venue for free expression. the center of my palm. 5 Finger Pull Back. Thanks, Auspicious Signs and Symbols in Palmistry, meanings of spot or moles on lines in palm, what your hands color say about your health & fate, Presence of a star on the right side of my palm, 2 stars on mount of jupiter and one star on or close to sun/apollo line, Star between my life line and fate line on my left hand. They can indicate pessimism, unhappiness, negative energy and losses. And i dnt knw but there a big star which conects to 3 different fingers,accoumpanying with the girdle of venus. I want to be a very private person like I used to be prior to that experience of need for action to step in spotlight. It also means you will have happiness in your old age. An example of data being processed may be a unique identifier stored in a cookie. Formula is: 360 degrees : 5 = 72 degrees Divide the circle into 72-degree angles and you obtain 5 points on the circle at the exact same distance from each other. I was told big things were going to happen for my writing. My index finger is missing due to an accident. The thumb has a crown, the index with a star, the middle finger with a sun, the ring finger with a lantern, and the pinky with a key. How to make the most of your incredible gift. In general Apollo mythology (the interpretation of any marker on or under the ring finger ) is about being seen or fear of showing up/being in the spotlight, being the favourite son. That cannot be classified as a calling alone because it was so strong & deep that felt like a need for action to step into spot light. In very curious about it. i was just curious about it and the fact that it is actually in Maybe via email? The pentagram can be circled or not. They are also a great way of remembering someone you have lost in your life. $202.50 hand. Here are some close ups of what this star looks like.Apollo star close up 2" by Beatrix Kiddoto kill Bill. Well be discussing this marker in great detail today in our monthly topic series on Gift Markings with Richard Unger of the International Institute of hand Analysis. My right hand has both M and X together in one, M at the top and X in the middle. It is considered to be representative of the five elements from which man is made, namely fire, air, water, earth and spirit. You should take extra care over your health, and if you are someone who likes to live life on the edge, try to slow down when you start getting on in years. knows any thing about this symbol on the mount of jupiter please mail me at because I may not be frequently visiting this Tiny Star If you're looking for a small tattoo to get a star is a great option. They have been used from ancient times to the present, also known by the names of pentacle, pentagram, among others, many of which are taken as an amulet or talisman depending on the culture. 3 Palm Stretch. For example, spatulate finger tips. Over the years Ive received a steady stream of inquiries about meanings for the rarely detected and alluring manifestation of a 5 pointed pentagram or pentacle pattern lying within the constellation of lines. Also known as your index finger, this digit tells us about our leadership qualities, ego and abilities, as well as how strong our need for power will be. They also represent changes in one?s life. similiar articles on the web, till i found this websiteThe symbol resembles the pinnacle in occult but I donot know anything about it..If any one Have you an advice for me? The more you want something, the harder it is to strive for it, as the more you persist, the further away your goal will drift from you. Also, it is an indication of a person with good intuition. On top of it on his right palm there is LIAM written with lines in correct order:). Its still hard to see as others here can not see it well. Whether you do or dont is your choice.. Hey Im Paulishia, I have a star at the bottom of my hand on my palm with a steep career line attached to it going up my hand to my ring finger. If you have a star in the centre of the palm, then it is considered to be an inauspicious sign. Thanks so much for sharing. (ie if you divided the Apollo mount into 4 quadrants, that would be the moon region, lower and away from thumb.) i got a weird star on my palm too i earlier posted about it on unexplained mysteries. I have one on my left hand, but the one on my right hand is distorted. Actually you have the most interesting & most intelligent way of explaining this. Thanks. If the star is in the shape of the pentagram, then it denotes wisdom, in that in your life the spiritual and physical world have come together, you are on the path to enlightenment, and can move onto the road of helping others. I think I have a Apollo star but wanted to confirm with you ,So please let me know how to send the Pic to you. Sometimes I struggle a lot, what should I do? Let's see the implications of stars at different locations on the palm. It resides on my right palm and disects my life line/head line (which start as one) and its upward facing point aims at the beginning of the line. A pentagram has one point facing upward while a 5-pointed star has two points facing upward. I have a pentagram smack dab in the middle of my Apollo mount with a circle in the middle of it. Palm line reading is the most important part of palmistry. A five-pointed star (), geometrically an equilateral concave decagon, is a common ideogram in modern culture. Price Based Country test mode enabled for testing South Africa. Whether you're an aspiring palm reader or just looking for a fun way to impress your friends, we've got you covered. Grilles signify interruptions in a person?s advancement. Your email address will not be published. How are you ?? yes please Robert to probably it is a fame (potential) indicator need something authentic and reliable..Thank you. On the other hand, you will have good luck in wealth and good luck with the opposite sex as well. Seen a six pointed star. It has also become a symbol of fame or "stardom" in Western culture, among other uses. I want to send a picture of it to you. The spotlight follows me, Own and enjoy being in the spotlight Hannah, I have an Apollo star. The stars on palm refer to the star-like pattern formed by three or more intersected short lines. Acute . What could this mean? Its definitly not a 'definite' feature then, and in that case, its pretty meaningless. In gratitude and thanks to Zeus, he then tied his ox cart to a column using an intricate knot. Or special lines that run up through your palm to towards your ring finger. Research reveals that negative meanings have been ascribed to pentagrams on left hand palms, especially if one point faces downwards, like Satans emblem, which suggests that in another life, the owner is a sorcerer-type, who messes with peoples energies. Copyright 2020 - Sdn Bhd. Lexi, you are looking at the wrong post. Then unfold the small piece. The Five-Point-Palm Exploding-Heart-Techniqueis the most fatal martial art strike used in "Kill Bill: Vol. The Above Top Secret Web site is a wholly owned social content community of. Multiple lines of girdle of Venus adding more spurs but those spurs to better formed stars. Many Blessings.. Plus I dont want my potential and gifts go in vain. love I have been looking for some info on a heart shaped mark on Apollo. But I could not escape the surroundings of my loved ones, who love me just too much let me take any chance. If you have a big start of Apollo then you need to be doing something in the spotlight. Kim+, Well Kim thats an amazing story you tell. Find the courage to practice no matter what others do or say or think.. they said that if a person has an star on apollo, they will become famous in later life. Traditionally, a pentagram in a hand is essentially a good and auspicious sign of wisdom; the person can thank their lucky star. I would like to confirm that does my hand has a star or not. Lillian Toos Practical Feng Shui For Modern Living, Flying Stars in March 2023: Loss Star Takes Centre Stage. Good or bad is simply subjective interpretation. Interesting story Sophie. Empowered or dis-empowered? Every Seven Years Comes With A New Life Challenge: What Happens To Us During These Phases? How the interpretation of the star changes with precise location and hand shape. 2 | 'Five Point Palm Exploding Heart Technique' (HD) - A Tarantino Film | 2004 Miramax 2.44M subscribers Subscribe 2.8M views 5 years ago In the final showdown, The Bride uses. I do seem to have a apollo star and simian line too. If the same be on a male hand he will be sure to be renowned and great. Other resolutions: 510 480 pixels | 816 768 pixels | 1,088 1,024 pixels | 2,176 2,048 pixels. But you are also the kind who has to love when they are doing, or you could lose interest before getting anywhere. 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